Aita for not watching my kids. It would help the kids out if you could watch them.

This is more about the kids' well-being than about the future of your relationship. I was on the back of the bus wearing wired earbuds the whole time. Your sister is actively abusing the social contract to get you to function as a caretaker for her children. We are both extremely busy at work right now and my SIL offered to help on weekends. Sadie got pregnant at 18 with Tyler, her boyfriend at that time. She shouldn’t be saying that you shouldn’t be around. My plan was to put a third of my assets into a trust for Thomas’s children (he has 2 currently that both call me Nana), a third directly to Thomas, and a third in trust for Jack. I know she's an adult and probably feels she doesn't need to check in or keep a schedule, but in this case, because you are watching her kids, she needs to. AITA backing out of watching my friends kids because I was sick. That means your kids weren’t provided for once your boyfriend got “put on child support”. Tyler and his sister ended up in a car accident a few months after she announced she was pregnant. I've never done this before so please bare with me. bigblacknips. AITA for refusing to watch my SILs kids? Not the A-hole. She likes things quiet and calm and definitely thinks of the house as her safe space. AITA [UPDATE] for not watching my brothers kids So if you don’t know what happened, last here is the story here and how my brother asked me to watch his kids for two months, I was paid, I took the younger boy on errands with me, I bought them a trampoline for the older one’s birthday (small inside one) to the end it came to him saying She lives in Canada with her newborn twins, Iris and Laila. We fought and mom ended up storming off because this one time I wasn’t backing down. Klutzy-Main-3064. I (M29) and my wife (F29) see her and her husband (40s) about twice a year. Our current custody agreement is I have the kids two weeks on one week off (when they go to NTA-If you wanted to watch their children you would have offered to do so already. She's trying to guilt trip you into doing this for her with the "life outside my kids crap. My dog was properly socialized, but she’s a herding breed and at 16. I’ve been going through a divorce this past year and half and my parents have been tremendously helpful, they let me stay there before I was able get my house and helped me watch my kids, while I work. Don't go out of your way for someone taking you for granted. Due to some marital problems, he is currently living with me and my dad and other brothers. NTA. My (19F) sister (25F) asked me to babysit for her (kids are 4&6) so she could go a friends party. He's also showing a breathtaking lack of respect for your life. 4. AITA for leaving my half siblings without child care? Not the A-hole. I 27f have been with my husband for 3 years, married a year. My cousin and I did spend more time together when I was a child, but those days are long gone. OPs dog just might not like kids. 10%. Commenters in a popular internet forum criticized a woman after she asked her sibling to watch her two children for the MindExpensive7103. He understands "DO NOT TOUCH" means don't touch my shit. AITA for not wanting to watch a group of kids at my sister’s wedding. The sister is already balking at paying $1300. He's 10, almost 11, and does not need to be hovered over. AITA for not wanting to take my ex-husband's kids on vacation? The original poster is u/Specific-Papaya3577 on subreddit r/AITAH. Edit: thanks everyone for your thoughts, kind words and advice. Update: May 2, 2024. I (f26) live in a block of new build apartments, everyone moved in a year ago so we’re all getting familiar with our neighbours. It seems like her decision to have a child is starting to put your interests at risk. It is incredibly selfish to see her choosing to work more as detrimental to yourself because she will be moving on with someone else. I would set it up so that Jack would receive a generous monthly check, but that after he died the assets in the ADMIN. Hello reddit. AITA for not watching or keeping kids from danger on a bus. Alright so I, F20, have had an agreement with my brother, M29 for a bit where I watch his son, let's call him Damien (M9) , for him when he needs to go out of town or wants to go do something with his buddies or anything. alicenwndrland. Second, you shouldn’t have asked your SIL to watch your kids knowing that she was working. LordOfWolves1. Had she done that you could have arranged to go a different day. Thankfully, my brother was rightfully punished for snooping through my shit. There is a 10-year gap between me and the next youngest sibling. THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. I 26 M and My 29 SIL tend to buy heads on a norm. At any age if you don’t want to watch someone else’s child. My SIL (33) is going through a rough divorce and moved back into her parents house. His kids had two parents already and he was just looking for someone that he could have a relationship with, that could be a positive role model. Fast forward to this morning, I woke up expecting a relaxing day for myself when my brother asked if I can watch the kids AGAIN so that my SIL can go get a tattoo. It’s nice when people help you out, but it sounds like she’s expecting it and she’s expecting A LOT out of a 17 year old. You could have also used it to teach her about heathy relationships and why she shouldn't idolize unhealthy behaviours. When my husband and I met he made it clear to me that he wasn’t looking for someone to be a parent to his children. After school, his little friend came over and they hung out. I moved states about a year and a half ago to try a new career path that my older sister (F33) recommended to me. Turning my phone off when I got into my friends car. So the ages were late 20s to early 40s. The only thing that seems to be a stumbling block in this the action i took was not saying that i would watch the kids when asked. Also, talk to your neighbours. I am (20) a single mother of 8 month olds boy-girl twins who is a college student and living alone with my 17 year old sister. I've only seen a baby in passing. So, my cousin and I are not particularly close. But now I realize that those kids are my kids. When I was going to school my child was 2 and he was a very hyper active child who needed my attention. She moved in with me and pays her half. I told him to get his homework done and said I would be checking it after dinner. This is a lot crazier than my last stupid little post, so let's start. It's that simple. i feel like an asshole for not giving up work/self-care to be with my kids. She was pissed and blamed me for not watching them, even though my uncle was asleep. It doesn’t sound like she created a problem when you said “no,” so I don’t necessarily think she’s an AH. I started hanging out with my friend (25F, let’s call her Jane) that I’ve known for 5 years. I don't think you should continue watching them at all, your brother obviously doesn't appreciate it and he's growing to expect it. So she's asked for quite some time if wecan watch some horror movies and a few NTA. My 41-year old partner watches anime, and I can't stand it, and he doesn't force me to watch it. Several years ago, my T cousin and her husband B, who cannot have NTA. ADMIN MOD. She even wanted to see Toy Story 4 for the Benson dummies and Gabby Gabby. Our relationship is well and truly over and neither of us wants to get back together. I don't care if he paid support or not, he wasn't there for his kids so he is a deadbeat. My sister was left without anyone to watch the kids durring her husbands work Christmas party. 05%. I pick them up and watch them until May 20, 2022 · Published May 20, 2022 at 12:06 PM EDT. My husband got married to his new wife and they have 3 kids in total (9m, 5m, 5f). Thank you for all of your help, guys. REPEATEDLH. I would have done the exact same thing. (repeat to yourself as often as needed) Reply. Original - 13 June 2023. You 100% don’t have an obligation to watch her child. It is a grand experience. She seems to be judging you based on what she would have done, not taking into consideration your situation and the fact, that you are not responsible for strange kids. People cross-post…. My sister has 2 kids (7M and 4F) that live with her full time. If anyone should understand that, it’s your partner. My sister (29f) recently brokeup with her boyfriend/father of her child. Relationships. They only thinking of themselves. I'm wondering AITA, because it's been a few months now since I've seen her and it's the first time since then that she's asked me to watch them. I took the time and left. While he is working during the week, I watch the kids (for free, I might add) and he watches them on his 1. My niece doesn't go to the same school as my It's not your job and clearly she doesn't respect your time. That’s potentially 8-12 times a month, 11+ hours at a time. If they'll be late, you bring their kids home and look after them until the parents can collect them. However this did not stop my parents from being angry at me too. It would help the kids out if you could watch them. So I feel for you!! AITA for not wanting to babysit my ex’s step kids. Her kids are not your responsibility. There’s quite a few families on my landing and we have a shared courtyard where the kids play in the summer so AITA for letting my 6 year old daughter watch horror movies? No A-holes here. You're the roommate, not the other parent, and you shouldn't be pressed into babysitting his kid because he can't get his shit together. ) He's financially irresponsible. Today when I got home I got called an immature asshole basically. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We have a great relationship and whilst we’ve certainly had disagreements over the years, we’ve always been understanding of each other’s opinions/pov even if we don’t agree. AITA that I don't want to watch my husbands 2 kids since both he and bio mom (BM) work Friday and Saturday nights? The BM is moving and she will no longer have her roommate there to watch them (really it's just their 9 year old daughter, they have a 15 year old son but he doesn't need a babysitter) so she basically just TOLD my husband that the custody dates are changing to every Friday and AITA for not watching my sister. AITA for refusing to look after my neighbours kids in an medical emergency. There's a saying I like that I'm going to say to you now, because it's handy to have rattling around in AITA for not watching my roommate's kid & almost letting him get hurt. Your story actually sounds similar to mine. AITA for not watching my friend’s kids for free anymore? Not the A-hole. Emotional-Pilot-4811: NTA. AITA if I stop watching my niece knowing I'm the last person my brother in law has. 202 votes, 41 comments. I (24 f) have recently became the caretaker for my husbands elderly grandmother and disabled mother (MIL/GIL) I am also a SAHM to a 1 year old boy, and a full time college student. My roommate (26f) recently had a song. First of all, you shouldn’t have told your boss you would come in without before you arranged child care for your kids. OP shares how he cut off his sister who abused him and his wife, and refuses to help her financially. . They're 100% right on here! A playdate where you and neighbor take turns watching the kids for a few hours is all together different from spending all day taking care of 2 extra kids with no pay and no help. AITA for telling my SIL I won’t be watching her kids? I (23F) and my boyfriend (25M) has been together for over 3 years. I LOVE my nieces and nephew. i feel like this makes me the asshole because the kids will not see mom/dad for 2 days. I also have three kids of my own. AITA for not allowing kids at my house? Not the A-hole. They were livid that I had edibles in my purse and that I wasn't watching him well enough. We dated, got married. I had just got home from school and it wasnt the best. Your roommate is the asshole for foisting his kid off on you constantly. But, he does talk about it a lot sometimes, which I find amusing, annoying, and bizarre all at the same time. Reply. Plus your neighbor has a nanny! she shouldn't be dumping her kids on you that's not right. Figure out which kids your children usually play with, talk to those parents, and exchange numbers. 1 Update - Short. We ate dinner at six-thirty. I ended staying there with my now husband, Lewis (30m). If your sister expects you to be her children's taxi service, she needs to pay up. May 27, 2024 · "AITA for not watching my husband's kids so he can go on a trip?" Ok_Refuse999. You are not required to help tbh. It was a family friendly event so people brought their kids. Not the A-hole. DO NOT give up your future plans for your sister. My sister decided move in with me because our parents are super overbearing and always makes all of our decision for us and can be pretty You at 11 shouldn’t be watching another child. your sister had a plan, which you objected to, and volunteered you and your mother to watch the children. We have a small bar set up in the game room, a pool, expensive artwork, pets (one being a dog we do bitesport with), firearms (that are secured, but still in the house), basically AITA for telling my brother I will not be watching his kids anymore? Not the A-hole. I moved to England a few years ago to study at my dream university. I have always felt like an afterthought and an outsider to them. so when i got home i wanted to take a quick 30min nap. Like okshe's 6 and she's creepy. Finally “no” is a complete sentence. And they're going to be my kids for the rest of my (and hopefully their) lives. They make the older kids raise the younger ones because they are too lazy or focused on their own happiness to watch and raise the children they have. I told Jack that I was planning to change my will. 13 votes, 34 comments. I (31F) am the youngest of 4 siblings. They may need to work on their marriage but that doesn’t give her the right to voluntell you that you should be using your precious time off to watch their children. When we moved to a new house we set up a room for the girls to share when we watch them. My ex ‘Thomas and I have been spilt for around four years, we have two kids together twins a boy and girl age 12, he remarried Sandy about 18 months ago she has two children between 7-10 years old. I tried it for about a month and realized it wasn't for me and eventually took an office job. It’s not your fault that the parents aren’t capable, and it’s not your fault for feeling the way you are. She says that she told me to watch them, making me liable for their behavior, not my uncle. Being awake for at least 18 hours is the same as someone having a blood content (BAC) of 0. Do not babysit your friend's child, have her figure out childcare for her child. After giving birth I ended up not only watching my son but her 2 daughters for 6-8 hrs a day as their mom wouldnt wake up till 1-3pm. 5 still doesn’t care for strangers, and has never cared for kids. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Aita for not allowing ex’s child around my children. I had a housemate but he decided to move when the lease was up. If you're going to be late, your kids can go home with their friend (s). You're not obligated to watch your brother's kid. • 5 yr. This was a long list of why your hardships justified your feelings amd actions, but remember your sister, who seems to be a single mother of two young children, brought you into her home while you recovered and went through surgery. Then when you realized it would be work and you wouldn't have as much fun at the wedding, without telling the bride you placed the kids with someone she doesn't like. She asked me if I would be down to babysit her 3 kids for a few days, I said yes & it went well. 11. I (f25) am a Kindergarten teacher I've been teaching for 4 years now and even though It can be exhausting I overall love my job. Recently I (23f) was on a Greyhound bus for like 15-16 hours. My stepmom asked me to watch my little sister so she could watch tv without jada Studies have shown that going too long without sleep can impair your ability to drive the same way as drinking too much alcohol. Lots of parents as well. About 3 days ago my SIL asked if I would take some time off and watch her and my brother's kids. You're expected to watch 6 kids under ten years old while 31 weeks pregnant?? I'd have trouble watching my own two young children on my own while that pregnant. AutoModerator • 2 mo. Eventually, they left and my mom came home. She's the asshole for trying to guilt you for her benefit. My kid starts playing with another 4 year old in line. Which my sil would watch between the times of me going to work and husband getting home, which was usually 1/2 hour to 2h max, and maybe 1-2 days a week (I feel bad having people watch my kids so I always split it up between her and my grandparents) I also work 3 days a week max so it was usually 1 day she watched them for that r/AmItheAsshole. 15M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. He and his friend spent the afternoon in the living room, watching TV and playing with magnets. If you tell your friend no when she asks you if you want to watch her child and she doesn't accept your answer then she is the asshole. You don’t have to. More like I was just taking care of them long term. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. They are the light of my life. I (27F) am currently having a dispute with my older sister (42F). We have different views on life and don't get along. She watches creepy doll videos on YouTube and has a very dark personality. Background: Sam and I were together for 12 plus years but we broke up in 2017. Read the comments to see who is the asshole. I completely respect that. AITA for refusing to watch my cousin's child? Not the A-hole. Working from him is still working. One_Ad_704. We were always had a great co-parenting relationship when it ifonlyyoudstop. 149K subscribers in the redditonwiki community. I told her I can't do that day, I had an exam so I had to be at college. My mom absolutely loves parties and has so many friends that I don't even bother to keep count. Because of this, she is definitely a homebody and prefers hanging out at home with our two dogs. I drop them off when I go to school. If work is overloading you, obviously you don't go out of your way to watch kids that aren't yours. Last week, he texted me and said that he was planning to take the kids on a week-long vacation during school. AITA for asking my sister to watch my children. It's nice of you to watch them at all. She’s only there so the 12yo doesn’t have to be responsible for making sure a 6yo with impulse control issues doesn’t wander into the road. Our house is far from child proof. That's true but the SIL's kid is 9, so sending that kid out to play in the yard without a helicopter mom is NOT an asshole move. They will try to manipulate and gaslight you, since this is what they have always done, so you will have to be strong. Not that long for an adult but there was a mom with 4 kids that appeared to all be under 6 years old. My ex-husband (37) and I (35) have been divorced for a few years now, and we have two children together (8m, 5m). A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to…. My SIL, we’ll call her Kate, has 3 children, and works full time. Due to that, I am not and never have been very close to my siblings, even though 3 of us live in the same city. I normally wake my siblings up get them ready for school. I (17f) have an older brother (26M) with two young kids (3f and 1M). Please note: I'm only asking abut the roommate situation he keeps suggesting. After a year of talking my bf and I moved into our first apartment together and we decided to wait to have kids. AITA for telling my SIL that I won't be watching their kids. 36 hours before they were to leave I had extremely sever VIRUS symptoms and My BIL’s mum was looking after kids that day and I called to explain my mum was in hospital and she asked if I could look after the kids overnight (nephew 5, niece is 9 months) I started to get anxious as my husband was working and I would have to look after the kids at my sisters (outside my safe space where I know everything is and safe for JustNotEn. Took my 4 year old out for the fourth to a city event where there were activities, food, beer, and fireworks at the end of the night. That I have to work and don't have much NTA for not wanting to watch something that doesn't interest you. My husband and I are empty nesters. I told her no. My best friend and his wife asked my wife and I to watch their 4 year old twins for an entire weekend while they went to his cousins wedding out of state where he was best man. For context, my son is seven. There are seven children between you and your boyfriend. AITA for not letting my ex-husband take our kids on vacation? Not the A-hole. He takes money from you, he takes out loans, he borrow money from others, and he's still in debt. The kids rotate two weeks here and two weeks with their mom. I (27m) was at a backyard cookout with some friends and coworkers. AITA for not letting my SIL watch my kids anymore? Not the A-hole. Introduction: I (27m) did some accidental good financial decisions years ago that today put me on position where I can do mostly what I love - mess with all kinds of electronics, play videogames a lot etc, I am a huge nerd. I 31 (f) have been watching my niece (8) for my brother in law (34) for almost a year now. We lined up for a bungee thing and it was taking awhile. It was a birthday for this kid aged 6 at the time of this birthday, so lots and lots of children. You could potentially be spending 88-132 hours a month watching three kids under five AND an infant all by yourself! Do you really want to start a part time, unpaid nannying job? YTA and your mom too. That I should be spending time with my nephews. Near the end of my mat leave I had an outloud realization that it was almost over. I (39F) have been divorced from my ex-husband (41M) for 9 years. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! NTA. Nta you are busy and she needs to learn to balance her school work and watching her child. 7. You are not obligated to change your answer to yes just because she thought she could force you to accept babysitting duty against your will by leaving her brats on your doorstep after your repeated refusal, knock then run away before you answer the door. I (25m) live in a rental house. ) He has no relationship with his kids, making him a deadbeat. So a few days ago, I went to this party. Originally posted in - r/AITAH by u/Ok_Refuse999. My roommate's child is literally the first child I've ever held and I didn't know how to do that. Update - July 24, 2023 (2 Days Later) Mood Spoilers: Positive; OOP took out the trash. I am the last person he has to watch her because she has behavior problems. We have 2 kids (12m, 9F). And as their dad, you have just as much responsibility to them as she does. My ex "Sam" and I were together for 4 years, living together, talking about marriage and kids, etc. But the parenting is for the 6yo. I (25m) have no experience with children at all. AITA For asking a family to watch my kid. Nanny’s are always more expensive than a daycare. So my little sister (4) loves to be around me, which i dont mind. My sister has a toddler and always gives me at least 2 weeks notice if she needs me to watch him. (PS: I didn't care for Frozen 2 when compared to the first movie. [Update] AITAH for not watching my husbands kids so he can go on a trip. Concluded: See post title on the update. Before now, I honestly never considered myself as their parent, even after I legally adopted them. Original Post: July 22, 2023. My bf has an older sister who lives with both him and his mother with her two children (boys). 22. Aita I 28 female for not allowing my ex (Sam) 31 male 9 year old daughter (Andrea)around our 9 (Nicole) and 5 (Skylar) year daughters. She's also the asshole for coming over during these times. Just because your at home with 3 kids doesn't mean your not busy. AITA for dropping my sisters kids off at a daycare, and making her pay for it? Not the A-hole. My wife and I have a nanny during the week for our busy schedule. Normally I don't mind as he's family and I care about him as well as if Damien acts out I am able to punish AITA for not letting my Ex and his new kids live with me? Not the A-hole. 2. AITAH for not watching my husbands kids so he can go on a trip. They were playing in the yard while most of the adults hung out on the AITA For not watching my niblings during a family emergency. By Samantha Berlin. I think you’re upset that your boyfriend is no longer able to help provide for your five children. AITA for not wanting kids with my husband. I watch my 2 nephews and my niece, 7, 5, and 3, once I (F25) am a single mother of 5, my oldest is 7, I have a set of twins that are 4, a 2 year old and my youngest thats 10 months old. Better yet, refuse to watch them unless she pays you. 3. Your sister has been making you pay for her decision to be a parent so that she can go out and party. For context I 28(f) and my husband 30(m) have 2 kids ages 5 and 3. My about-to-be brother-in-law has a sister who lost her husband 6 The kids do not have a close relationship or any type of bond with their half siblings. Not your child, not your responsibility. My sister (f30) is getting married in 2 weeks. AITA for not watching kids at a cookout and leaving them unsupervised. If I had to blindly guess, the nanny rate in the area is easily $3200/month. ago. You said you weren’t making enough yourself to cover the difference. AITA for not watching my niece or knowing how to take care of a toddler. AITA for not babysitting my sisters kids anymore. He felt too small and I thought one move would crush him. A few weeks ago, GIL suddenly became They’re asking you to watch their kids somewhere between 2 to 3 times a week from 7 am to 6 pm. There’s no reason to ask the sister for more than the going nanny rate as the going nanny rate is almost certainly more than the daycare rate. If you are still willing to watch the kids, at prearranged and agreed upon times, then insist on being paid babysitting wages at the going rate. My husband and I got a house with his sister and 2 kids. (I can follow some classes online, and have occasionally babysat while listening Slight YTA, PG is "parental guidance" meaning that it's up to the parent, you should have decided whether your daughter was mature enough for that movie, not made your decision just based on her age. NTA 1 You shouldn’t be expected to watch your sister’s children for free. You have no solid income to put gas in your vehicle. Sunday morning we got the shock of our lives when my ex's wife showed up with her and ex's kids and said she came to get my kids to spend the day with them and so they could be with her and their half siblings. ADMIN. Find another place to be and leave! Maybe if your brothers dad will let you go stay with them! Some background - My girlfriend is incredibly introverted and suffers from anxiety. They promised last weekend that the next Saturday is for me. Your cousin is the parent, she should have asked well in advance. It’s called parentification. Also each dog in itself is an individual with their own personalities, some just don’t like kids. Original - July 22, 2023. You might feel it's important to take care of your niece and nephew, but you now have your own child, health, etc to think about. Op, practice saying. Jan 15, 2024 · "AITA for not watching my sister's kids?" Here's the original post: Hey all, I'm (F25) just going to jump right into it. AITA for not watching them? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. In March, I (20F) decided I wanted to move out of my dad’s house. I own a small electronics/computer shop where NAH. My mom and Ted started dating around 6 months ago. My partner and I both want to be child free so I love these kids like they're my own. I get why you feel like you should watch them--not for the parents' sake, but the kids'. The following is a copy of the above post. She might be a bit socially inept to not think to pay you or reimburse you, but the lack of whining and guilt leads me to think she’s not really an AH. Shes been a stay at home mom for years and has decided she's… Babymamas28. Writer, Trends. The past 4 Saturdays I've had to cancel plans to watch the kids so my brother and SIL can go out. I (17F) my half siblings (4&5) my older brother (19) my mom and her boyfriend Ted. I (15) did not want to watch my little sister last week. I hope you all have a ADMIN MOD. TL;DR: I said I couldn't watch my sister's kids this week due to it being a busy time at work and I haven't heard from her since. She needs to chill. NTA at all. Being awake for at least 24 hours is equal to having a blood alcohol content of 0. Award. " YTA. I made it clear that we are essentially roommates. I had to wait till I put him to bed to start doing homework and get any studying done. As harsh as this is gonna sound, YTA. Their parent shouldn’t try to make you feel guilty. This was after we took her in and we got pregnant and needed more space. cf dg wr he ci nc gh ie av aw