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I overheard my boyfriend tell his friends I was the loosest person he's been with sexually. I asked him to give me back the doll because he is not worth having my dolls. 2) Your boyfriend is talking tearing you down when alone with his friends. skoden1981. Blake and I walk in after a cigarette and I find them locked in her room. Husband was insecure about someone who abused me, so it was hard to talk to him about it. We were outside doing yard work and our neighbors had some family over. Much of his trauma came from school where he was being brutally bullied. I have had crippling pain for over a month and have not been going to work. We have been together for a year. Firstly let me say I 25F, have only been with one other person sexually before my now 26M boyfriend. At this point, I was silently disgusted and annoyed with him. I (25F) overheard my (27M) boyfriend say that he chose the wrong girl. There's a difference. He's shit-talking you to his friends, that's not what a supportive partner does. I would not be okay with the conversation with the "friend," but if my husband had not had sex in 4 years and all he was doing was talking dirty to someone, then I would be grateful. The ex has told my friend (quite a close friend) details of his past before anyone made the connection that we have “It’s pretty much the equivalent of a full-time job. Eventually he had to get something from the basement, where a friend of a Nothing special just hanging out. Sounds like you have confidence that he lacks and he’s taking it out on you. I just found out I got excluded by her. In college he lived with a girl and did just about everything with her best friend and the best friend's boyfriend. Oneday, My male friend called me (b word) while gossiping with his friend in class. We were very drunk and were having an amazing emotional conversation about how close we feel to each other, things we appreciate about each other, etc. If I had an achievement like getting into a school my husband would be cheering me on no doubting me. She’s up every 2 hours pumping for 30 minutes. So I am sitting on my couch 10 min. she’s bi) and I viewed this as cheating given we’d never talked about sex with other couples, open relationship, etc. My husband and I (both 35) have been together for 7 years and married for 5. I know his parents because we went to high school together and his mom taught at the Anonymous account because friends know my other one and I don’t want to discuss this with them. LunaNova5726. . I should mention that on our first date Husband admitted to a friend he has never been attracted to me. If I was the husband, I would be angry at Jake for both insulting my wife AND Tonight my husband had some friends over. I know a ton about his personal life, and he knows a lot about mine. I (24f) have 2 sets of twins first set are 5 years old boys and the second set are 3 year old girls. If he has a problem he should take it to you not his friends. 1. I am having surgery in 2 weeks and hope more than anything it will help! Through this my husband (29M) has been at my side day and night. He has two older brothers that he isn't particularly close with. They were hanging out in our backyard and I was playing video games upstairs where there is a window over our patio. It sounds like he said he’s taken. I've had a lot of resentment because of a mistake she made in the past, and have been a shit bag to her more often than not. It reveals he thinks OP's husband is shallow and would treat women as objects and trophies if he wasn't already married. Other people aren't in the marriage, you are. They also talked about me a bit, and my boyfriend also mentioned he wanna get married to me. I am saving up for my post graduation degree so money has been tight now. I overheard it as it was a bit loud. I’m filing for divorce regardless, however I have a consult with a plastic surgeon on Wednesday and even though I knew my face was not super attractive I’ve never known exactly what feature it Relationship Reddit StoriesMAIN CHANNEL: @Markee 0:00 INtro0:18 Story 12:28 Comments7:48 Update10:50 Update 219:28 Story 224:35 Update26:15 Comments31:15 U We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I spent my entire marriage doing everything for my husband to the point he started resenting it. Overheard my boyfriend tell his friends that he doesn't really love me. Also, you need to make it perfectly clear to your boyfriend that he is under no obligation to spend any time with your family until he feels comfortable doing so. Instead of breaking up with him she blurted out that she loved him. I overheard him the other night saying this to a mutual friend. His birthday was few days ago. He’s also going through other rough patches like depression, unemployment, and comparing his own lack of success to the huge success of his younger brother. I decided to be creative about my gifts. M. My husband (27) always complains that the house isn't up to his standards and that it's a mess or that I sometimes put on frozen meals I (36f) overheard part of a conversation involving my (30m) boyfriend. He has a friend, ‘Brian’ (40M), who worked with my husband at his old job. I did tell my husband that I expect him to stay home and not go after I got excluded. I overheard a conversation where my boyfriend and his friends were saying that my friend is super shallow, and she's lucky she's cute, because she doesn't have a brain. ADMIN MOD. My husband overheard the neighbors talking about our Blizzard boy This happened yesterday. We finally talked, made a plan, if I’m ever contacted by creep again, we actually have a budget/game plan for legal action. This week I (20F) went camping with my boyfriend (20M) and his family and family friends. AITA for Leaving My Husband Alone With The Kids For 2 days. My friends have been really supportive of me. I called my boyfriend and told him that I overheard what he said. But, if it will just make things worse without any good resolution, then wait and see, since he may change his mind. 2020 was a really difficult year for him and he’s been in therapy for the past 6 months, but I can’t help but feel like a failure as a parent. I tell people my husband is my chef as he does the cooking, but I don't say I'm using him for it. Now the funeral is going to be in 2 days. Advertisement Two weeks later they turn up to my house. How can I show I appreciate him I overheard my husband was giving his friend Rob (not his real name) relationship advice . Bf should never disrespect u. And then something about how he would give our son a high five. My husband ends up coming out after an hour and we’re hanging out in the kitchen. My husband is still going which I found unfair and quite devastating. Pray on it, for wisdom. . These young drunken people. My husband has admitted, if yet reluctantly because I was on his ass the whole day asking him to tell me the truth, that yes he has been on purpose making me look bad to his I felt guilt I brought this shitty person/threat into our lives and my husband doesn’t deserve that, I needed to handle it myself. I'm sorry if I write something incorrectly, English is not my first language and i‘m pretty horrible at it. I pointed out that her husband hadn’t wanted his first child abd now he is a devoted and loving father. Then immediately after talking about me, his aunt asked if there were any pretty girls in his workplace, which I got a bit upset bc his aunt knew about me and i felt like i wasnt acknowledged as my boyfriend’s partner. I am glad that you talked with him, as I know from experience that these thoughts could affect many aspects, from your confidence, happiness to sex life. We found out a lot during therapy. Last night I overheard my husband talking to his friend about his new job and a hot coworker. So, first my husband and I have been together for 6yrs, married almost 2 yrs now. 🥺 I use love and logic for discipline and it really works. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I don't know what to do, I'm breaking down slowly and have no idea if my relationship can continue with him. And we can reasonably assume she hasn’t done much venting to him or he’d probably be more clued into whatever made her coworker call him an asshole. I just over heard my husband declare his love to someone else. away from my 60th birthday, Today my husband of 35 years and I were at the doctor and he has to begin tests because the doctor thinks he might have cancer. When your husband said those words to his friends, I believe it was a confirmation to your insecurities. I couldn’t really hear anything at all until I heard my husband’s voice loudly say “Pounding pussy”. I would talk to them about it if it’s bothering you. We met between mutual friends while I was still in school and he had just moved to my town to go to college. My boyfriend sometimes speak in his sleep. We have been together for 10 months and this was the first time I met his entire family. When I got home, I overheard him bragging about cheating on his wife with a mutual friend of my husband’s and Ron. My husband and I are married over 30 years. I yell at Blake’s gf, my gf, Blake and his gf leave, my gf has a full on panic attack and says nothing happened. Well his exact words were “My coworker is an absolute dime omg”…. It’s so hard for me but I have to. Plastic Surgery 💉. Before she goes back to the pool, she says “Chloe’s going to I (32F), in a drunken state, told my husband (35M) that I loved him so much I’d forgive him if he did cheat with a coworker a few years ago. I can not imagine saying that my sex life was over in my early 30s. Explain to her how you heard it, so she knows it was a phone counseling. I overheard my husband talking about me. He noticed it and after the class, he apologised me amd tried to convince me saying, he thinks i am the most nicest, kind & pretty girl he has ever seen. “Wife can’t know about her”. He said that he hated waking up to me and that he wished that our mutual friend was the one that threw him his first surprise party. Weight changes with time, pregnancies, illness. His coworkers (both women) came over, so I said hi, spent some time with them and after some time went to my room to take a nap. Dating. We were friends for 2 years before we started dating. My husband had a best friend “Jake (40M) who I think is obsessed with my husband. Apr 10, 2024 · Laura's discovery of her husband John's ulterior motives shatters her idyllic life, unveiling a web of lies spun from greed. Feb 29, 2024 · I Accidentally Overheard My Husband Talking about Me to His Family & I Still Can't Digest It. One of my best friends almost broke up with her now husband because he’s short. it’s just fun and she’s newly single/only slept with 1 guy (her highschool sweetheart). His dick was apparently big enough to the point where she felt completely filled, and hit her deep spots. My friend left, and I went to another room to do something else. That's also a red flag. It feels terrible, but with my new partner, I don’t do anything for him. I (39F) have been married to my (45M) husband for eight years now. If you attempt to let this blow over like its no big deal, you will eventually lose your boyfriend because of it. I told Rob my husband is not the person you wanna go to for relationship advice. TL;DR: my husband is feeling insecure because I said I wouldn’t have looked at him if I didn’t have kids. They’ve been married 15 years and are one of the strongest couples I know. But your reaction is over the top; this doesn't mean you can't trust him about anything, it doesn't mean he's lied to you about other things, and there's no reason 29 votes, 22 comments. The other day we were at home having dinner with a friend of mine, and two of his friends. Well, my husband happened to overhear part of our conversation and he became extremely angry. Jake was going through a divorce from his wife She said her ex, gave her the most intense orgasms she ever experienced, she said she would orgasm so hard she would lose total control of her legs. A place to get personal things off your chest. Then i became so sad, my eyes were full of tears at that moment. 14M subscribers in the TwoXChromosomes community. Blizzard was outside in the backyard and was watching my hubby in the front yard. You can change your weight but you can’t change your appearance/ethnicity. [35F] My husband (37M) said something weird to my sister (32F). Both of us have never been married and don’t have kids. My SIL walks in to get a drink and she starts talking to my husband. I around 8 and my dad came inti the playroom to find me hiding behind a chair with a pillow blockage while his friend tried to coax me out. A trip that was meant to be an opportunity to build a relationship with her in-laws turned into a crushing realization of feeling unwelcome in her husband's family during their annual vacation. I am the breadwinner while he finishes his degree. My husband friend, Jake met on the lake and became good friends instantly. Vent. My boyfriend tells his best friend everything - and I mean everything. The past year or so, it's a long story, but to the point; se I (28F) have endometriosis and my symptoms have taken a turn for the worst. I (37f) have been dating my boyfriend (39m) for about three months. I've been friends with a guy I play World of Warcraft with since 07. For context, me and my boyfriend have been together for in total 8 years. Last weekend, I (22F) went to my boyfriend's (22M) house after we both went out. It in no way means I don’t love my husband, find them more attractive than him, etc. I heard them laughing and then I heard friend mention my name. How could he tell the girl he was dating that he wanted to be with someone else? He began showing them his texts with her, and they made jokes about her needing to get braces. I overheard him tell her that he was suicidal last night. EDIT 1: Thank you guys so much for your support <3. Some people just suck and don’t care about their loved ones. You know him better than others and would know if it was a 'jokey' comment from an odd sense of humor, or real. ”. I heard my in laws talking about getting my wife back together with her ex. My husband told him he had to stop before his wife caught him but Ron was pretty smug and kept saying she would never find out and even if she did she wouldn’t leave (she’s a SAHM and completely reliant on him financially). i (15F) just overheard my mothers (34F) husband (29M) of 1 year and 6 months on Her husband would be heartbroken to lose her and ultimately having a bs y would be doing him a favor as he would keep his wonderful wife. Of all the online people I've ever known I'd consider him my best online friend. My husband admitted that he has been talking badly about me to his friends. But I explained that while I was hurt about what he did I told him he had no reason to be sorry for what he did. My husband Allan and I still go to marriage counseling but he quit therapy because he said it made him worse. I heard him tell his friend that he should have kept trying with our mutual friend. ) he said to them that he wanted to now ask her to not go to homecoming. A subreddit for folks nearing or over 30 who are looking for dating advice. M. he was drinking and talking to one of his friends… My step-dad (dad) completely cut ties with his best friend of 15+ years after he acted sketchy towards me. Tell him what you overheard, tell him how it made you feel, and then suggest couple's counselling so you guys can work through this. The adults turned a blind eye, his friends abandoned him, and he couldn’t tell his parents. The best friend friended my husband on FB. Chemical-Mess-7883. The one person he is very close to is his cousin Aaron. Seems like It was a dig at you in large scale. My husband was in his office, so they go straight to the pool after making small talk. Anyways - my husband and his mom have a really close relationship. 10M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. I'm talking to him tonight after we close for the Christmas eve service. My daughter (14F) overheard a late night conversation I had with my boyfriend. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I overheard my boyfriend reaffirming his relationship with me and I’m so happy. Brian has a wife, ‘Helen’ (39F), and young daughter (4F). I didn't wanna miss Joe's funeral but can't do anything about it now. e. It surely affected the man’s confidence and feelings. That's the first red flag. As a maybe-semi-important piece of context, my self esteem I packed my stuff and left his place. He did do something wrong, and he did hurt you. When I heard it I immediately felt really hurt We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You're not in competition he's happy with you. He told him that he should have been the man that was engaged to her and not her now fiancé. Hi! I was here yesterday and I hope it’s ok that I’m writing here again. Ironically, the full telling of what Jake said to OP shows that Jake has a very low opinion of OP's husband, who is ostensibly his friend. I (22female) have been dating my boyfriend (27male) for 4 years now. It's the 'im using her' part that's the worst. I have been crying a lot. My husband “best friend” obsessed with him. Welcome to TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit for both serious and silly content… Rescue Hippo. ” I’m just melting because this shit is so hard as an undersupplier who is trying to catch up with baby 4 weeks postpartum after a 2-week NICU stay. 10 votes, 21 comments. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… Well we do know he clearly gives a shit or he probably wouldn’t be posting at all. My husband heard the grandma say, “That dog looks mean. Feb 29, 2024 09:20 A. (In 1 week. I am really sad and lonely now. [deleted] A friend with BPD used to forbid his SO from discussing it even in therapy (and I realize that a family member is very different in terms of privacy than a therapist) and she had to leave for a time because dealing with it alone wasn't possible for her (and again, my friend is the one with BPD, I don't know his SO that well, so my loyalty is Your husband should be bragging about how lucky he is to have such a beautiful wife and kids, not about some girl from a decade ago. Hello I am back with some updates. He gave you nothing but high praise. As of right now, I don't think I can last much longer in this relationship as it is. They lived together after my husband graduated college 1) not accepting you as you are. He has not seen or spoken to either one of these women in over 30 years, since him and the Ex broke up. 0 coins. The man married and loves you. TIFU by ruining my husbands relationship with his best friend. By Vanessa Seifert. Hi there, I want to figure out if I'm reacting normally or overreacting to this situation. Overheard my most challenging student tell his friend I am the best teacher in school SUCCESS! As the title says, a student I have struggled with this year said I am his favorite teacher. I've been dating my boyfriend for a bit over a year and things have generally been going great; he tells me constantly how much he loves me, he does things for me to make me feel special, and he is all around a caring, considerate, loving guy towards me- you get the picture. Palmayqueso. I am staying with a friend of mine. It’s really screwed with my mental health and I get so upset when I have a “bad pump” but he’s always there t My, 26F Fiance 27M and I have been together since 2015 and he proposed in January 2020. But to actually say to someone that he wanted to be with a different ethnicity than his wife is just wrong. We used to play every day together, doing dungeons and quests and everything, and we'd always communicate through voice chat. My gf used to date a girl (I. After maybe an hour I wanted to go home because it was getting late, so I walked to the garage to go get my bf. I (35m) have been with Abi (35f) for 13 years now, every day that goes by I love her more and more and we're even expecting our first baby. Brian and my husband used to be close friends and drinking buddies, but they haven’t hung out in person for several years. Premium Powerups I’m at my MIL’s house for Christmas and came into the guest room to work on some things on my laptop. If this is the best you want for the rest of your life, then I wish you all the best. Omg, grow up. I was in the living room of a friend’s house and I overheard my boyfriend who was upstairs telling a mutual friend how when we weren’t in a good place he decided to take a coworker out for dinner and drinks at a bar he frequently goes to. Apparently 3 inches longer than mine. Not the A-hole. When I walked into the living room to watch TV, my 16 year old son whose bedroom is next to it was talking to his friend on the phone. I will sell this one and hopefully one day make dolls for someone who appreciates it. (Nor vice versa) Petty= you talk loudly to friend on phone about “at least he has made some improvement about wiping his ass more thoroughly. TLDR; Overheard my boyfriend telling his friend that he’s unsure about our relationship and I’m having troubles understanding why as things between us have been going well. I hate this as much as you do but you have to focus on you. When we met he was very introverted and only kept a few… I packed my stuff and left his place. I 27M 30F overheard my girlfriend of 4 years tell her friend I am not enough this morning on a phone call. To clarify the “friend” who talked to my coworker is not someone I trust and I do not share details of my life with her. She found out about his addiction through another friend who is unfortunately friends with my BF’s ex. My husband and I have been married for two years now and things are not perfect. NTA. We both really like to win and when we disagree it can be very difficult to resolve. We each have some super close best friends that we share a lot with. I’m guessing 1: my husband didn’t know I was awake and 2: didn’t know that I could literally hear word for word his conversation with his mother in the other room. I always struggled with giving gifts to him because he is way more financially stable than I am. ThrowRARedRetw. I would get petty (if feeling like giving him his own medicine) or ditch him. Will let you guys know what happens!! Coins. He didn’t deny nor confirm and his response has been bothering me. I told my dad that his friend was creepy, overly touchy, and made me really uncomfortable. At one point my bf and his friend went to the garage and I kept talking with the friend's girlfriend. He had just started the job a He is trying to lower your self esteem so you think you can’t get anyone better. I have fun with that because he actually answers when I speak back to him, which leads to very weird and funny conversations. We're both type A personalities with six-figure jobs and very big egos. The reason for this was because 1,I Women are usually very intuitive, esp with a spouse. When I was in my early 20s, I overheard a conversation while they thought I was asleep (party at my place, they hung out afterwards and stayed up smoking and chatting) but it was the friend telling my boyfriend he picked the wrong girl and all the reasons why he hated me. just not in the most respectful way, but rather typical guy talk, but I’m still confused what the comment was. Not for opinions, not for relationship advice, and not for preaching. Betrayed and heartbroken, she embarks on a journey of empowerment, plotting a course of clever revenge that tests the limits of her wit and resolve. It has been an emotional day. I explained that I did love him but after what happened after our first date I just felt horrible and didn't fully trust him. We hosted some friends last night because my husband finally had a day off. cy mu dv rm ya sg yl cx gv lx