My boyfriend still follows his ex reddit. Which means, dont waste your time on him.

Today, my boyfriend admitted that he is still in love with his ex. He is doing it to catch her attention. He barely likes my photos and hasn’t liked her photo since the break up. Imagine if he despised his ex and her family. You won't know unless you ask. stick to your guns and don’t accept it. Don't look at the pictures on his phone anymore, don't ask him to delete the photos and please don't go down the rabbit hole of questioning why he's with you or comparing yourself to anyone else. Maybe he doesnt still have feelings over them but traumatized or they might have effect his emotions really deep. Now, I don’t know where I There are differences between in love with them and love them. See full list on elitedaily. Throwaway for obvious reasons. MOD. I’ve never posted to Reddit before, but after weeks of ruminating, I’m finding myself needing some non-biased advice. Either way, communication is important just choose your battles wisely. So much time talking to an ex who is still very clearly and obviously in love with them. The stuff you saw was especially inappropriate. They dated for 16 months and even lived in an apartment together, but they broke up because he said he fell out of love with her, and I guess he just didn't want to be stuck in an unhappy relationship. It sounds like he has found an awesome woman in you, and hopefully he realizes how fortunate he is before he loses someone who deserves his best. I don't know the reason for their break-up, but she broke up with him. Andy told me that he didn’t find May attractive anymore and he only was with her because he pitied her. I wanted to be connected to him after I brought it up early into the relationship and he still followed his ex and don’t think it’s fair to me. He also might still kinda into his ex but also has feelings towards you. the ex seems confused. Ask him what you mean to him. But he didn't remove his ex in the follower and his ex still follows him now. A lot of people stay friends with their exes. if he was still that into his ex, he shouldn't have started dating you. He ended up immediately coming back to me and a couple months later she tried to get a hold of him but he blocked her on everything. But it’s kind of weird to me that my boyfriend follows 2 of his ex’s 4 IG accounts and likes all his ex’s photos/reels that are “artsy” but also so thirst trappy. My bf was in a relationship with his ex for 11 years. Three months ago I found out he’s still living with his ex. All this was bothering me and i was wondering weather he still has feelings for his ex, and yesterday i confronted him and told him that i think he still has feelings for his ex. I wouldn't be super comfortable with my boyfriend hanging out alone at his house with an ex, for example. He still lives with both his parents, his mother gives him a lift to work in the morning and she manages his appointments for him, cleans his bathroom, washes his clothes and cooks for him. I can’t tell if he still has feelings for her. I was talking/seeing my boyfriend Andy while he was dating his now ex girlfriend May. Sounds like he is quite mature and not one to burn bridges or hold on to grudges. Again, regardless of what he may say or think about it, he is showing you that attention from an EX is still important. Find that guy. If your relationship is otherwise happy, then the photos only have meaning if you give them meaning. The thing is (this is what I get for looking at his past stuff) I noticed that on Facebook he still has her as friends and he still has that thing where it states that you are dating Maybe ask him about it. Call me jealous. I tried to understand and he always said that he tells me this stuff because he is afraid of losing me too. TL;DR - current bf of 2 years constantly talks about Throwaway acc, I shared my dating history with my boyfriend during the third meet whereas he told me about his ex during the fifth. That would be a red flag! listen please hear me out. He was my lover, confidant, and best friend. We are both so deeply in love, but the first month of the relationship, without my knowledge, he was still talking to his ex. He follows 9 people- one of which is his ex girlfriend. Few_Organization7283. All of these will be removed and locked. A few months in I had asked him if he could stop liking sexual p Talk to him, and if you still feel skeeved out, break it off. [deleted] My boyfriends ex (22f) still follow him (22m) on social media. Humans are not disposable. But also, whatever you do, change your password and never give him access to your account again. That was when we weren't exclusive so it didn't bother me much and I A couple nights ago, I decided to look up his Spotify to follow it and see what he was listening to. I will say that it’s not necessarily a green flag. I’ve been mulling over this in my head for a while and would like some outside opinions. • 3 yr. I’m secure in myself and don’t feel the need to go through his shit and to demand he cut people out of his life. when i brought this up, he said he did it deliberately to upset and anger me. Well my ex boyfriend was extremely abusive both physically and emotionally. like a ‘you hurt me so i’m I started dating my bf in 11/20 and he finally got divorced in 09/21. Don't date someone that isn't over an ex, it's just going to cause nothing but problems. I started dating my current partner (24) a year and half ago and now we have a baby together. We’ve now been dating for 4 months. My boyfriend [25] and I [25] have been together for around a year in a half. If he is, then everything else must be shut out. You have no fucking right to invade his privacy like that. I (f27) Found out my boyfriend (m27) still has an ex on his true Listen, you need to calm the fuck down. You described your relationship as "regular". 3. When I noticed and brought it to his attention, he told me he had forgotten and proceeded to unfollow her. While contact with EX's is not 'forbidden' or wrong, in excess it pretty inappropriate. Now here’s the thing - my boyfriend is the most loyal, loving guy and I have access to his phone (even though I didn’t ask and I would never go through it). So almost three and a half years ago now, I ended my relationship with my boyfriend at the time. My boyfriend and I are long distance. I've had many relationships but none of them were that serious. My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. She also still shares her location with him. His ex of 7 years dumped him in October 2022. So here’s some scenarios, 1. My timing of confrontation was not right because he had a It was brought to my attention a few months ago that my boyfriend(30M) still followed his ex on social media after he told me that he had unfollowed her. He mentioned that he doesn’t like his exes at all. ) He also even has her on venmo funnily enough. We’ve been dating for over a year and it makes me uncomfortable that he’s still seeing all of her life updates so i asked him to unfollow her. Logic says that he will still have feelings, haven't you thought about ex SOs after the relationship was over. Need advice. I still follow the brothers and sister of my ex bf from high school on Instagram only because I dated him for almost 4 years and became really good friends with his brother and sister. Thanks in advance for your help. Go find yourself a real man who knows it, and dump this little boy who thinks he has a right to date others. my (22f) boyfriend (26m) still follows his ex(es) on social media; what to think about a month ago i was scrolling through instagram and my boyfriends ex-girlfriend’s account was suggested to me. 12M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. If they’ve been broken up for three years and there hasn’t been an issue with his and his sister having interactions before now, I doubt there’s anything to it. You're possibly just his rebound. My boyfriend was talking to his ex and they keep reaching out. 0. My (23 F) boyfriend (24M) still follows his ex’s mom and dad on Instagram. Hi everyone. Same reason my family still has her on social media. But it doesn’t mean we want them back in our lives. Everything is great in the relationship but the only thing is that he still follows ex flings on social media. It’s been 4 months since he unfollowed her, his ex must have noticed it. If he were truly happy in your relationship / over his ex there would be no need to do so. My boyfriend has been depressed for a few weeks, since he’s been dealing with a lot. Too late with you, but that's not your fault. Yeah he had a crush on her at one point, but maybe they ended up having a better friendship later on. The issue is; I can't just talk to him about it. Your boyfriend liked his ex's posts. Everybody has issues that they run into, and…. At the very beginning of our relationship he left me for his ex who he had been with for a year. Share. He’s only had one boyfriend before me and they were together for almost a decade so I know he holds a special place. Well this is a fun one. There were only about 7 or 8 songs, but they were all songs that he had played for me at one point or another. Additionally, a week ago he said my name is very similar to his ex- it’s only different by one letter. Ask if he still wishes he could be with her. My boyfriend (25 M) and me (25 F) have been together officially now for just over six months. My boyfriend still talks to his ex and it's making me really insecure. For context, we met just over a year ago on Hinge, we talked Not to excuse my behavior, because I now realized I was being immature, I don't think it’s fair considering he didn’t stop following his ex, who he was with for 3 years. Your boyfriend takes his time to go to her profile and liking her pics. Tell him that if he has pain he needs to deal with it, he can come to you. You should have spoken to him about it before following her too. My [27F] boyfriend [27M] keeps comparing me to his ex-girlfriend. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. He may act fine but I’d watch out for that girl. He is still living in the relationship, obsessing over everything she did and using stuff you have done as a flimsy excuse to talk about her. Why re-follow an ex after months of a break up and having a new significant other. ago. They lived together at his house and he felt trapped. (I have not gone through his phone or anything. Lied by omission in not telling me of his dating history. Good luck. Posted by u/idkk2907 - 2 votes and 5 comments First, some context. He realized he’s still in love with his ex girlfriend/his first love (who never treated him right and in his words “does not actually care about me”). Sheila_Monarch. [new] Wasn’t sure where else to post this. Been there, done that. were working on it and we’re all good now, but while we were on a break, he followed his ex back after she followed him a few days earlier. The best advice is for you to let this go. Like I forget my exes exist when I find someone new and I never think of following them on Instagram. Regular relationships don't involve breaking up and getting back together cyclically. I feel like I'm losing my (27f) mind. Depends on his words. Now, 01/23 he is still living with his ex for multiple reasons. You're just guessing based on nothing. Tl;dr - My boyfriend still follows his ex on social media and she continues to message him with apparently no reply. 2. My (22f) bf (22m) doesn’t use instagram and has this burner account that he uses to comment on my posts and stalk people. Anyway, the advice that I’m seeking is: do I 1) just end it, 2) just get over it and not ruin my relationship over it or 3) confront him over it and seriously ask him if he’s still not over her. I trust him. “You always talk about your gf and it makes me Till now, whenever he mentions her though he doesnt really speak highly of her. He told me that he was over his ex and wanted a relationship with me. Any time you find yourself thinking about his ex 12M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. According to him. Either way, your boyfriend is not a good boyfriend so you should end it with him to save yourself the heartache. There’s healthy reasons and not so healthy reasons to do it, but the fact is, it’s not a problem in and of itself. So I did some more digging and found his new one, its private so I cant see it cause I do have a fake account he wont accept. I asked my boyfriend (27m) of a year to stop talking to his ex and asked him to block her. It makes me uncomfortable because he seems to be friends with them and talks to them (even if it’s not too often) and I told him about how I feel but he refuses to do anything and is saying it’s controlling of me to demand that he Thanks I agree for me personally I haven’t remained friends with any of my exes, and unfollow/unfriend when a relationship ends. He still wants to be with her. 884K subscribers in the Advice community. He broke up with his ex a year ago so its been a while but I noticed some things that really bother me about his ex. 1. One of the recently made playlists that popped up was one made for his ex girlfriend entitled "Memories with Redacted". If you were both on the computer and saw it then lead with that. This led to us fighting. Boyfriend still hung up over his ex. She does it because she thinks she’s over you and wants to start somewhere to friendship 3. My boyfriend told me that he’ll always love his ex but he made it clear that he is not in love with her. campnat. TLDR: my bf still lives with his ex gf but there’s some red flags. I basically need to ask the reasoning bc i feel that’s important for me to know Hi everyone, I'm feeling a bit lost and needed a place to vent where I might find some understanding or advice. Or another route is telling him how you feel. Reply. His statement made me realize that we can’t unlove somebody that we used spend time/made memories together. He’s in the Army so he doesn’t…. Don’t know who texts that 3 days late i didn’t see the messages my self just the chat on snap but he replied. Dump him. We’ve been together for almost a year now and we’ve definitely had our ups and downs, but throughout all of it, I’ve felt loved, respected, and cared for. He hasn't appeared to have indicated he has any feelings. Depending on how bad the break up was I don’t think it’s wrong to still follow her on Instagram, I just feel like if you unfollow her you’re saying something Reply reply Appropriate-Sun834 However, the more time I spend with him the more I realise he is weirdly attached to his family, especially his mother. This stage can last from 6months to a year post breakup. Closure isn't something you get from an ex: you find it by mentally moving on. Which is true because Jan 3rd she “texted him” happy new years on snap. In the first 6 months we had a huge problem with his obsession with what seemed to be every woman. [new] We've been together for a year. I Need Advice 😩. I mean he’s 100% not over her, so yes, red flag. His reason for the same was that he requires time before trusting people which I think is acceptable. I can’t help but feel like they’re backups Or he’s doing it as a way to make you jealous on purpose so that you feel insecure and do more to try and get his attention and love. First, because… I think you are correct that he's a bit hung up on who he thought she was. I then unfollowed and blocked him on all social media. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… Whenever I try to talk about it he denies his feelings towards her. My [27F] boyfriend [31M] of 2 years is still in contact with multiple Tinder matches. Support Needed 🫂. I found out in mid-February and he said he was still grieving the end of that relationship (yes!)but wanted to be with me. sheps799. “It might be in their wallet, on their desk, or somewhere more hidden than that I found out he still follows his ex on social media(and she follows back). For now I would just ride this out and see what happens but it is still too early to worry about it. He knows that she isn’t good for him, that she isn’t someone he should date, and that she’s terrible for him but he can’t help how he feels. When i confronted him about it, he was quick to unfollow both her accounts which was nice of him but also it didn’t stop my overthinking. I still follow some exes but I never unfollowed them in the first place… He can follow whoever he likes on social media, you’ve only been together a couple of months. My boyfriend still lives with his ex girlfriend. he should NEVER have compared the two of you- every relationship is different- and the fact that he said he The moment I saw her, I knew it I dont know if this is female intuition or im simply being insecure, but this girl she was the 'one' not only is she not only is she exact opposite of me and my boyfriend, she was eccentric, talkative and one of those maniac pixie type girl who is just very cheerful and a social chatter. Met IRL but I knew he had been looking on Tinder He told me he still follows girls he talked to from there though he never actually met up with them (except for his ex). for brief context, im not necessarily a stalker/lurker, i used to work with her before my boyfriend and i started dating, but her and i never My boyfriend is still in love with his ex. I mentioned how as long as he follows her he’s allowing communication to happen. He’s with YOU now, not her. Humans are not expendable. In my opinion, because she's an ex those boundaries can be more stringent than with other female friends. And him still having his exes nudes is a red flag anyway, I'd immediately stop sending him nudes and try to delete one's of you on his phone already. The girl he dated before me. We were on video chat and I suddenly heard a woman’s voice, and he quickly hung up on me. What we cannot give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, or situations involving minors and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). . I (24f) have been with my boyfriend for 6 months now and he unfollowed his ex at the beginning of this year. For what it’s worth I don’t suspect she is actually “friends” with them probably just still follows out of curiosity. If you can have a talk with him, tell him you know he's communicated with his ex, and that you want all his attention. It almost always has something to do with your childhood and your relationship with your caregivers and their relationships with the people in their lives. I told him it was a false equivalency and that I would still prefer Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This is just disrespectful behavior towards you and if I found out my boyfriend had other girls nudes on his phones I'd just pack up, tell him we're over because of it, and leave. They were together for 4 years on and off before me which scares me even more. My ex still follows my sister on Instagram and frequently contacts her. You are at best a rebound but more probably he’s just with you to use you as someone to vent to about her. We’re in a serious relationship. Might look like creepy behaviour on your part. If what he is doing makes you uncomfortable, he will need to decide whether keeping that relationship with his ex is worth making you uncomfortable. My boyfriend’s ex follows him on instagram. I know it, and you know it. However, I cannot make peace with the fact that he used to speak with girls like that and that he still follows and likes their pictures. Throwaway cuz boyfriend is a redditor. We have a really good relationship and we respect our boundaries, I think we had just one small fight the entire relationship because usually we discuss things —- **TL;DR - My boyfriend got a comment from his ex on a post and he engaged with her on dm’s for the first 4 months into our relationship. Tell him he has to and if he doesn’t he doesn’t respect your boundaries. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… My advice is ask him if he is serious about a future with you. He says they’re friends, but I can’t seem to be okay with them. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. There's a dude out there who has fully processed his past relationships who will enthusiastically post you on his social media and be fully emotionally available to you. I look very similar to his exes too, blonde hair light eyes. We talked for hours Normally this isn’t something I’d be worried about. Expressing your behavioral likes and dislikes with your significant other is fine. The best thing you can do is bringing it up to your boyfriend as he should see that it bothers you. When I did so, he asked me how I'd feel if he asked me to do the same. If he truly does respect you and care about you it would be a dick thing to disregard the way you feel. Instagram, Facebook, and possibly snap. true. So my boyfriend (25M) dated his ex for almost 2 years from like 2020-2022 and he stated that his relationship turned super toxic were she gaslighted him etc. He still follows his ex and liked one of her photos on Instagram today and I saw it. Anyways, the boyfriend I have now we have an amazing relationship I trust him a lot. This sounds horrible, but don’t judge me. He said that they broke up because his ex was busy, stress and despressed with her work so she hadn't given him enough attention, affection, and intimacy. On the other hand before we started talking I had my first boyfriend and he cheated on me so badly. TLDR: Boyfriend has brushed me off to his ex, called me her name, talks about her a ton, nonchalantly mentioned how hot she is multiple times, hidden their messages, and asked her to visit the city we live in. The best thing you can do is just talk to him to see what he says. ADMIN. I am divorced, he has had one prior long term serious relationship. She wants to see if you would do anything like talk to her again. You're being irrational and you need to stop. Successful-Back-1700. Don't wait for them, you've given them more time than is wise already. I feel like if it were me, and a friend or just anyone had told me that a particular person had hurt them in that way, I would have no desire to even follow them on Instagram or any other social media for that matter. Award. Whether they are just “social media friends” or friends in real life. He probably is still feeling the effects of the abuse or he might be actually still into her. Some he slept with, some he didn’t. Sometime after though, I unblocked him because I was curious if he still followed any of my family your boyfriend just made you second best to someone he's already dated- he's not idealizing a stranger or romanticizing a celebrity, he's literally saying that you're second best to a person he's dated before. Stop living in their past and start focusing on your future. I (23F) have been dating my boyfriend (27M) for 3 months and things were going well. You are worth more than this. She wants to see what you’re doing to the point she follows you 2. He is way out of line. Tell him you want him to be honest on this. First, I found his instagram and saw he still follows her It's normal to be upset if you're boyfriend goes on a date with someone else. My boyfriend (24m) still follows girls he met on Tinder a year later. They had a continued sexual relationship after their break up and I'm worried this is something that may have carried on into our relationship. [deleted] • 3 yr. Oh well. Just ask him. So I’ve been dating this guy for around 4 months. When we first starting dating, he told me that the reason for his previous relationship ending was that there were a lot of insecurities. I'm 22F, and I've been with my… I don't want to do this anymore is as valid a reason as any. If the answer is yes, he is not the one. Of course you should worry. Jan 6, 2022 · This one is pretty obvious, but if your partner still keeps photos of their ex around, they’re not over them. So what? You can't go stalking his ex like a fucking creep and then expect him to be okay with it. even her profession as a First of all, the first few months of our relationship were full of discussions about her, about his trauma and how he feels like shit for making her sad. Maybe they had a healthy break up, but once he brought up to me that he’d be uncomfy if i still followed my exes. He lives 45 minutes away so we see each other over the weekend. For context: my ex boyfriend broke up with me four days ago through text, because he said he's still loves his ex. Your insecurities and lack of control of yourself and your boundaries do not get to dictate who your boyfriend considers his friends and keeps in his life. He started dating me on 31st Dec 2022. He and I have been dating for four months but…. He’s kept in touch with some of them for years, and has met some of them occasionally with years apart. HELP! My boyfriend is still obsessed with his ex. His ex broke up with him, and I met him 4 months after that. I think my boyfriend is still not over his ex. Which means, dont waste your time on him. my boyfriend (m 22) and i (f 20) got into a heated argument recently, where i was in the wrong greatly and it almost destroyed our relationship. Lots of people follow their exes. IMO, it would be a bit petty to run tell your boyfriend his sister shared a post on Insta from his ex. My boyfriend and I have been together for ten months. I haven’t written my feelings down about the situation before so please bare with me. I just don’t know why he loves talking about her so much. Personally that wouldn't fly with me and I'd probably leave. I believe that’s a great way for relationships to grow and flourish or on the other hand dissolve and end. Then you have to go through with dealing with that baggage sometimes. Ask if he's actually into you. com ADMIN MOD. But this morning he woke up and opened Instagram and his ex was the third account to show up and he viewed her story. •. I found one of his accounts which he has prom pictures posted (3 years ago) where he is posing with his ex, its the only pic on the account so I confronted him about it and he said its his old account. His ex might left him in a fucked up scenario and he might not be over the break up. Your bf chose you because he cares for you deeply. That's a bad sign. Yep deffo a red flag imo. That's something he needs to get over. You're going to have to mea culpa the stalking his ex thing, but there needs to be a discussion about boundaries with his ex. eg bl hi iz ci ly xt fn up oo