Reddit aita neighbour. Like really, my guy, I live here.

This is a false claim, a few times during the May 10, 2022 · The neighbor kids that come by to see my dogs and run around the yard with them haven’t been by in almost 2 weeks. They went got their ball and went back to their house. AITA for turning away my new neighbour and her child? Not the A-hole. A reasonable argument could be made that if the wall had been properly maintained, it would So your neighbor comes into your house uninvited, steals food and property, asks personal questions, accuses you of things, harasses your daughter, and you’re asking if you’re an asshole for telling her to focus on her own shit and keep her nose out of yours? Neighbour tried 2 doorbells and called politely through an open door. AITA for reporting my neighbor’s crying baby to our landlord? Asshole. 29. Honestly, I was FLOORED. YOUR money. Yup! I can't believe that this dad left a five year old home alone and expected him to go to the neighbour to ask them to care for him. The only people invited were family or family friends. We live in an apartment building, our wall to wall neighbour keeps messaging me every damn Friday at around 6 pm to hangout for drinks. Asshole turned on the grill to lure her over. In-laws that own the house and neighbour have happily enjoyed this set up and neighbour has legal right of way to go through shared section of driveway. 2: I got rid of her stuff without her permission because I didn't want it in my yard. So Reddit, AITA? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. She prides herself in this thinking it makes the neighborhood better when she shames the Smiths for having a fence thats 2 inches too high, or the Johnsons for having light brown door instead May 10, 2022 · The neighbor kids that come by to see my dogs and run around the yard with them haven’t been by in almost 2 weeks. Since it was a car that could be legally parked there they couldn’t do anything about it. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. AITA for speaking to my neighbour despite my friends asking me not to. They were good neighbors until AITA for yelling at my neighbors son for playing in my spare wheelchair. My neighbors kids keep leaving things in our front yard. She, on the other hand, has legitimate concerns for her safety and property. So your neighbor comes into your house uninvited, steals food and property, asks personal questions, accuses you of things, harasses your daughter, and you’re asking if you’re an asshole for telling her to focus on her own shit and keep her nose out of yours? At the end of my rope with a neighbour constantly using my wife’s generosity and kindness as some sort of weakness Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. It sucks for everyone involved, but this is part of the compromises you make when sharing walls with neighbors. OP sounds like she needs a reality check about neighbor relations Cuz that’s kinda the vibe you’re giving off. "I know you said you preferred not having a fence, but I wanted to let you know that I will be putting one in on my property. Or, depending on your local market, pay $50-$80k for a new bathroom done by someone else working 9-5 on it. Her husband makes $60,000 a year according to her whereas I make around $18000. I had severe depression and anxiety. Since we moved in our neighbour has had a bit of a superiority complex about him, but I always let it slide. Normally stuff like that doesn’t bother me, but it goes on until late into the night (normally 9PM, but sometimes 1030PM). I (17) have this neighbor (F 37). Here, spots easily go for $250/m. NTA. During Summer holidays (we live in the UK), our neighbour Jenny (F30s) put her kids, (F9, M7) in holiday club. AITA for not helping a 'neighbour' when he came to my house asking for money? Not the A-hole. r/AmItheAsshole. We would hang out and get drinks on our patios, nothing too serious. Help keep the sub engaging! A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Nov 14, 2023 · SHE WAS WITH THE NEIGHBOR AGAIN. AITA for grounding my daughter for leaving her sister with the neighbor? Not the A-hole. It won't take anything to close the window or doors to be considerate of your neighbor's, so if they refuse to so, I think it's safe to assume they're jerks and therefore, unable to teach their children should be considerate members of society. Last week I answered the door to a random dude (RD). She asked if Taylor could walk them home from holiday club and babysit for 2 hours, 5 days a week, so So your neighbor comes into your house uninvited, steals food and property, asks personal questions, accuses you of things, harasses your daughter, and you’re asking if you’re an asshole for telling her to focus on her own shit and keep her nose out of yours? Our neighbour introduced himself right away to us and basically asked if he could use our extra parking spot full time since he has to street park. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. It’s a huge problem for us because we can never just leave the driveway without checking to see if it AITA for refusing to accommodate to my infertile neighbour. 17K. My neighbor has been yelling at her son (M 16) since 8 am (it is now 11 am), it woke me up since their house is near my rooms window. I suspect if it came to a legal case, you could be required to part pay for repairs to his garage. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. AITA for allowing my child to walk on a neighbor's grass? r/worldnews • MPs and peers state that drug use is a "human right" and call for drug policy reform and human rights legislation that could be used to decriminalise possession, purchase and growing of drugs. I replied it mentioning she doesn't even know how to drive a manual car, it is ridiculously dangerous for someone inexperienced to drive it, and it is a two-seater. My relationship with my neighbors is meh. Yesterday was my daughter’s 8th birthday and we did a princess themed party. After searching for a job all throughout the summer, I finally landed a job in California. I also grow almost every herb and veggie you can think of. The new neighbour wasn’t outside so I went ahead and cleaned his driveway with my snowblower. AITA for letting the neighbor kid’s bike get stolen and not replacing it. You started this relationship with your neighbor on a terrible foot. I would like to know if I am the a hole for telling my older neighbor to stop walking on my lawn. Even if the paint runs, it is OP's property and therefor OP's problem. A little backstory I was born paralyzed and unable to walk and I need a wheelchair to get around. She’s a shorter breed. So yeah. I’m tempted to go over there, politely AITA for threatening my neighbour below me for harassment & defamation? I have lived in my rented condo for just over a year, the neighbour below me has complained that my dog has urinated on the balcony and it has dripped onto his balcony damaging his furniture, including shedding hair and barking. This accident was your fault because you did not have control over your dog. I feel like I’m living in a hostile environment now and it’s so uncomfortable. I (28F) may be TA because didn’t help a neighbour in need. They seemed fine, a nice couple with a kid. AITA for asking my neighbour to move her craft room to a different bedroom. She (the neighbor) also has her sister and her nephew living with her and her husband, and her nephew is 5, about the same age as my ADMIN MOD. Our previous neighbours were an adorable couple in their 60’s-70’s, we had a fairly good relationship and was kinda sad when So your neighbor comes into your house uninvited, steals food and property, asks personal questions, accuses you of things, harasses your daughter, and you’re asking if you’re an asshole for telling her to focus on her own shit and keep her nose out of yours? She posted a long rant in a Facebook group of our neighborhood saying I am a bad neighbor and how I denied her kids a vacation. ADMIN. We work and study full time and by the end of the week we just want May 26, 2022 · It turns out that the old apple tree allegedly cast a shadow into the neighbor’s garden, where they planned to arrange a hot tub. Sounds like a very reasonable reaction. The house has been for sale for awhile and recently a woman bought it. I have a neighbor whose kid is the same age as my oldest kid, 7, and they've been friends since they started kindergarten together two years ago. I tried to text the neighbors but my texts went undelivered so I think they blocked me. AITA for not letting my neighbour use my deck for a party and BBQ?? I (30F) and my wife (35F) live in a duplex with a backyard. You may not have an anonymous tool, but you can report noise issues to code enforcement and cruelty to animal control. AITA For calling the police on my neighbour? Not the A-hole. Like really, my guy, I live here. My husband and I live in an upstairs 3 bedroom flat and the flat below us is the same lay out. She likes a tall fence (panel style) between our gardens but in the years Iv stayed here the same panel and two posts have blown down 3 times and every time I’ve incurred the cost to put a new one up just as she r/AmItheAsshole. The OP tried to politely explain to their neighbors that the tree had sentimental value to them as a memory of their grandparents – they didn’t care. 2) I’ve potentially made a difficult time for a family More difficult. They weren’t playing on your lawn. It took me the whole elavator ride back to the fourth floor to even register what they said…. In this case, a locked fence, a pool alarm, no trespassing, a call to the cops to deliver a warning and a report, would add up to a strong defense. Anything the neighbor may have 'added' to the fence is property damage at best. He starts it and lets it idle for a few minutes before taking off. Your neighbor’s dog was on a leash minding its own business when yours got up in its space and bothered it. This started about 6 weeks ago and I let it go, hoping it was a temporary thing. He doesn't like my fence and sign I put up. AITA for blocking her knowing my triggers and avoiding conflict? This post has contest mode enabled. However nearly 2 years ago I had a very traumatic accident falling down backwards in the garden, where I knocked myself unconscious and completely maimed my lower left arm - I’ve been left disabled as a result of this accident I couldn’t move due to the levels of pain (I completely Yeah, naw, NTA at all and your neighbor is a racist asshole. OP, I would call child protection on him. They were a bit loud, which was a bit annoying, but they were kids and kids do that. AITA for letting it spiral into an argument? No other neighbour in our entire street has ever had a problem with it except him. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ There are tons of super simple liability waivers online that you can tailor to your needs. Backstory: my GF lives in a unit in Australia. You made no agreement with him. NTA, animal abuse is no joke. I live in a mostly quiet neighbourhood, my next door neighbour has 6 kids ranging from (9-15) his kids always play in my lawn because it’s big and I don’t mind it, until they started playing loudly and they always pick on my son and harass him so I AITA for not babysitting my neighbor’s elderly father? Not the A-hole. My front yard is triangular and the long side is actually the back side of my neighbors yard with a chain link fence, so the view from the front of my house is dominated by chain link and the neighbor It’s not like you have new neighbors every third day. The square footage is really similar for both of the suites, but we pay significantly more because we also get the Little_Tomorrow_8117. Help keep the sub engaging! AITA neighbour? So I moved into my housing association home 4 years ago and I have a shared fence with the neighbour next door. For context I was 13 when I met her and became friends. Single white young female living next to asshole white guy that possibly is just a bit crazy. AITA For Pretending My Neighbors Don’t Exist. Reply reply. If he's genuinely grieving, he needs support and education about appropriate child development and child care. . OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I believe I might be the AH for asking my neighbour to smoke weed less often. It's a public area. One is noise complaints and one is cruelty/health-safety complaints. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. When I was at school I used to get bullied and was alone. I made a bet and she lost it. I had some friends over (all F, mid-20s) for my bday. One-Awareness3671 • Asshole Aficionado [13] • 10 mo. Especially if the dog is barking early mornings or late at night. Try either; try both. TL:DR- My new neighbor called the cops on me and I may have gotten CPS called on her. Kicking a ball into a goal isn’t normally a noisy sport (outside a stadium), but she’s bought him a whistle which is used relatively prolifically alongside regularly kicking the ball into the bins and screaming. Doesn't work or at least I've never seen her leave the house but I also try to avoid her and her husband as much as possible. So I like going over to there house and playing ps4 together. AITA for not babysitting for a neighbor? Not the A-hole. OP doesn't have to capitulate to an entitled jerk. However, the failure to maintain the party wall is what caused damage to his property. I'm married to a wonderful husband since 20 years and we're still madly in love. Your neighbor is totally the AH for expecting you to supervise her kids. Anyway, back to the actual incident before the racism: If you're holding an event and nobody actually attending the event disapproves of the music you've selected, you're fine. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. 5a-7a Monday-Friday (with breakfast and transportation) 3p-7p Monday-Friday (with snack, dinner, and transportation) weekends as needed. They wanted their ball back. So this is a bit bizarre. It sucks that your dog was injured, but as the pet owner it’s your responsibility to have control over your pet. Not the A-hole. And Cat Lady should. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. So unless your neighbor was in a dire emergency worth losing several hundred dollars over, you have every right to want to keep your appointment, and it's not your fault that your neighbor doesn't have enough back-up options for childcare. Shes been screaming things such as "what did I do to deserve a son like you" and many other degrading AITA for calling the police on my neighbor and probably getting cps called. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Anyway, this neighbor, who’s dogs I’m sure I’ve seen once or twice before, but that I couldn’t describe themselves snaps back, “go away stalker!”. Not that this matters really but this neighbour rents the house from somebody and is apparently 65. I 34F live upstairs in a duplex with my two boxer/pitty mixes. AITA/ bad neighbor for not cutting down my hedge? I live on the curved end of a small cul-de-sac. I feel awful for yelling at my neighbour, but our wildlife is already suffering the consequences of her decision to let the cat outside. So, for Context, I'm a 41 year old female. AITA for not letting my daughter babysit for our neighbour anymore? Not the A-hole. I've never asked why but I guess they've come to an arrangement. AITA for telling my nosy neighbour to f*ck off and stay away? Not the A-hole. You’re treating your neighbors just as they treated you, except you actually own the property you’re using. We found a treehouse which is normally £10k we found it for £3k. If they had left their ball there you probably would’ve complained about that too. One or two interactions with your neighbor will let you know whether you can retrieve balls without asking, or you should ask first, or your neighbor will chuck them over the fence each morning, or you should never even ask and count it as lost forever because your neighbor is scary. It's not even her asking you for help, it's her expecting you to pick up her slack. It turns out she doesn't have any children so I found it strange she bought a 3 bedroom house AdventurousBox8344. To be clear, there is some parking available on the street. Which is to say that's fine! May 26, 2022 · It turns out that the old apple tree allegedly cast a shadow into the neighbor’s garden, where they planned to arrange a hot tub. I also called my neighbor a Karen in an argument. My city has an anonymous online reporting tool for several city-specific issues. People who don't care about other people's comfort or stated concern are jerks. AITA for blocking her to keep the peace, even though she will probably contact the police at some point and later look foolish for this when it is found that it involves and autistic child. You would be a fool to give him money. Am I a jerk for getting mad? Like, I got her favorite pumpkin snacks… and stuff to chew on. We also got a shitty neighbor, Jessica, who likes to go around and snap photos of people's violations and then post it on the next-door app to shame them. I (F40s) have a daughter Taylor (F16). AITA for making my neighbour's kids cry because I humiliated them? Not the A-hole. NTA - this is quite an extensive and unreasonable expectation. I mostly use a power wheelchair and I have a spare manual wheelchair when I can't use my power chair, like when I go to my sisters house or in older buildings AITA for sending a letter to my neighbour? Me, my mum, two nephews, BIL, the neighbour (Ella, fake name) and her son went to Center Parcs Woburn in February this year. The previous owner agreed to the work, the company, and the price of the repair. My friends started playing loud music, which I should have asked them to turn down but was feeling anxious about saying it, and inevitably it disturbed the neighbours I put up a make shift fence to stop my neighbor from trespassing. Sorry for the formatting and my writing, english is not my first language. Last night we had a few inches of snow and as usual I took out of my snowblower and started cleaning the driveway. r/AmITheAsshole voting guide here only one. He’s standing too close but was friendly & introduced himself as my neighbour. AITA for malicious compliance on a jerk neighbour. I have a cat and other proprety to consider, and this is what is going to work for me. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. I’m the single mom of 3 kids: “Polly” (16F), “Trevor” (12M) and “Cassie” (8F). ADMIN MOD. Even if all of the above was true - it's not your bill. Asshole. For context, I ( F18) live with my 2 siblings, (F22), (M24) recently, new people moved in right next to us, and they have kids. YTA. I (23F) graduated from college in May of this year with a Bachelor of Accounting. Yta for harassment. We had been day drinking and it was around 2AM. The tattoo artist's time costs money. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more ADMIN MOD. I’ve lived here for 5 years (with my ex who recently moved out). May 26, 2022 · It turns out that the old apple tree allegedly cast a shadow into the neighbor’s garden, where they planned to arrange a hot tub. Our neighbour actually has her own driveway but this is used by her next door neighbour on the other side. If you want to warn her in advance it might save the workers some stress. Nor for what can be seen during the brief periods of time when your door is open. They leave toys, balls, frisbees, bikes and even one of those electric cars. The neighbors went to everybody’s house asking who’s car it was and nobody knew the car. The whole holiday was a disaster. I would just put the fence up. AITA for telling this whiny, nosy, hypocritical neighbour to GTFO? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: AITA for not learning my neighbour money. Not your neighbor's money, not your mom's money, yours. Been busy setting up the place, furniture, all of it. So, Reddit, AITA for aggressively confronting Bob over his suspicious and potentially dangerous hoarding of what I believe includes my stolen mails, and demanding he proves his innocence? Edit 1: I don't think I've made it clear how much paper he has. The afternoon I moved in, one of my neighbours came up to the steps (each apartment has a little front area, and mine faces the carpark). Start documenting interactions with him in case he tries to escalate. NTA, you needed the space for your wife, you bought the land, and you did with it whatsoever you saw fit. We said we’d think about it and later said sure, we’ll draft up a quick parking lease agt (wife is a lawyer) and charge him $125/m. Nothing worked and were getting electrocuted. The work was completed. I have 2 sitters that I can call on as needed and I ADMIN MOD. I am a single mom who works a full time job. OP’s neighbor Cat Lady actually has the higher ground here. 41. And he's just counting on the neighbour being home/available. My husband (29M) and I (28F) have been living here for 5y, ever since we married. We both have at least 2 homework assignments due tonight. She posted a long rant in a Facebook group of our neighborhood saying I am a bad neighbor and how I denied her kids a vacation. Last year my neighbors (31F, 30sM) moved in downstairs after the unit had been empty for a while. My wife and I moved to a new neighborhood and within a short period of time became friends with our neighbors. If your neighbor is that mad about it, he can take the previous owner to court. 1: I removed my neighbor's stuff and I took it to the dump to be disposed of. I (18M) am over at my friend’s house (20M) spending the night on Friday. So he decided to moved his oil leak car in front of his own house. I have small breed dog that I walk 3-4 times a day around our neighbourhood so he can get stimulation and also do his business. We came home at 1pm when they were at work and she left. All our windows are closed, yet it still wakes me up. She can see the outside of your door FFS To use legal terminology, you have no expectation of privacy for the outside of your door. Hi. I kept telling him I keep her on a strict diet, she’s just gaining weight and that’s hard on her joints. AITA for calling the cops on my noisy neighbour. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. We rent the main floor of the duplex, and a woman named Lisa (25F) rents the basement. She could file noise complaints until OP gets a fine. The only other option is to not have a working bathroom. AITA for giving away my neighbour's Avocados? Not the A-hole. A little background: my partner and I are in our early 20s, he is mid 40s. May 10, 2022 · The neighbor kids that come by to see my dogs and run around the yard with them haven’t been by in almost 2 weeks. Due to mental illness, my husband can't work, so I'm the breadwinner in our family. Our neighbour has a dog that is deemed a dangerous dog (he’s Staffordshire Bull Terrier) usually if this breed is trained well they can be great dogs and super AITA for givning my neighbour (34F) what she wants. With my old neighbour we would usually have a beer and shovel together. I got a new fence, neighbor is pissed. OP is YTA for over-reacting. He has (I think) the most extraordinarily large amount of paper My neighbour (2 houses down) has been riding his bike several mornings a week between 4:35-4:40am. missingbike5. If someone who isn't attending the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If our neighbour's friends would drive about 3 feet forward she would not be blocking us in. I have little to no support. The fence is on OPs property, the neighbor had no right to put their plants up or paint on it to begin with. AITA : neighbour keeps texting me EVERY Friday asking to hangout. I’ll try to keep this one short, but we had a hailstorm come through at the end of July that damaged, well, everything. The previous owner of our house had put up this fence with cheap Home Depot fencing, and didn’t surround the whole yard, just the parts We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. OP is also harassing Cat Lady, which Cat Lady could also file complaints about. ago. I (30s) live in a rental that also has another rental house on the same property. I have been in and out of school, extracurricular zoom calls, and meetings all day and he’s been working on a research project. She can’t say no to hamburgers. And besides. The issue today is the fence. I have 7 different avocado trees, 3 mango trees, 4 types of peach trees, mulberry, pomegranate, lemon, orange, guava, granadilla and apricot trees in my yard. He's ripped her door handle off for not answering the door before, has jumped out at her in the middle of the night from the dark to scare dratonallthings. Nothing crazy, just a simple “I am not supervising your kids, and if they get hurt on my property you won’t hold me responsible” type language. My new neighbor (40s) (who moved in at the beginning of November) has been constantly pestering me for different groceries. I (26F) just moved into a new, small apartment block two weeks ago. Throwaway account as our neighbours are into Reddit. According to legalzoom, a pool surrounded by a fence is no longer considered an attractive nuisance, but it probably does depend on local laws too. Their father left after Cassie was born, no family nearby, etc. You have a legal duty to share maintenance costs for the party wall. gw lb gh fw pu rv xb to hq yg