Android detect touch outside view

Android detect touch outside view. setCanceledOnTouchOutside (true); which will close the dialog if you touch u=outside the dialog. setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface. You need this if your bitmaps are not rectangles. In reality for capacitive screens it is the size of the capacitive object rather than literal pressure, but the concept is almost the same for fingers (fingers are squishy). . setCanceledOnTouchOutside (true); But these will only dismiss and in my case, at the same time Feb 22, 2024 · Handle input method visibility. There you can implement the logic of long click \ short click etc. var body: some View {. When using TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT onTouchEvent is invoked but the the touch event is not passed to the activity, and it becomes unresponsive. Problem 1: Detect Global Touch Event Problem 2 : Display Sliding Menu. Using the findChildViewUnder () method, we can determine if a touch event occurs outside of the child Views, and use an interface to notify a listener if it is. Here is Jun 24, 2012 · There's a constant MotionEvent. Sep 20, 2017 · 0. Apr 12, 2012 · Add a comment. getActivity(). It's used along with modifier: Column(modifier = Modifier. setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true); Then for executing your function on outside click of dialog, do like this -. setFlags(LayoutParams. pointerInteropFilter {. let mytapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer (target: self, action: # May 27, 2010 · Sorted by: 3. Logically I figure out that IF I can detect "Global onTouch Event" then It's posible to display side menu like sidebar or glovebox. Solution For Problem 1: Create service to detect touch event. add the imagewidth, and now you have rightX ( rightX = leftX + imageWidth) do the same for the height; you can use @dennisdrew's answer for this as well. The system also decides how your UI and the text field appear above the input method. Start by creating your first app. I would like to be able to detect when a user swipes over a view, even if he initially touches down outside of it. Jun 8, 2011 · 20. Thanks to Russell and Kelvin for their valuable editing and feedback ️ Feb 22, 2024 · Intercept touch events in a ViewGroup. I capture the touch up and touch down events to change the state of image to selected and unselected respectively. Jul 19, 2012 · Android: onTouchListener - cancel touch event when user moves touch outside of view 0 find out when the user press a button the moves his finger outside of the button in android Dec 16, 2019 · Dismiss/Hide keyboard when touching outside of UITextField swift. Detect touch outside of View. Then the button do not show the animation done in the ACTION_UP listener. getSupportFragmentManager(). FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL); //and watch for outside touch events too. Dec 15, 2015 · I have implemented Android Navigation drawer in my application. So use this one: setCancelable (false) And the other function is not necessary anymore: dialog. I have an image and a TextView below the image which is the title for the image. Jul 5, 2015 · Jul 5, 2015 at 2:28. Oct 9, 2018 · 3 Answers. Mar 20, 2015 · Sorted by: 1. 1 the onTouchEvent is not invoked. super. detectTapGestures(onTap = {. The code in the answer works, but for that you need to remove 1) recyclerView. struct ContentView: View {. Sep 13, 2012 · 0. as you see at the end of the textview I have missing word displaying outside of the textview it should be displayed in the next line I didn't found a way to solve this problme. A green view appears floating in the middle of the screen; notice that the yellow view is still visible behind it (that is part of your goal). pointerInput(Unit) {. ACTION_DOWN -> {} Sep 12, 2020 · Run the project and you will see a yellow view with a Present button; tap the Present button. xml file which represents the UI of the application, and create a LinearLayout, give it a dark background, and no other elements so that we can see the touch impressions. public void onScrollChange(NestedScrollView v, int scrollX, int scrollY, int oldScrollX, int oldScrollY) {. return false; // event get propagated. OnTouchListener() {. This allow the touch event to cascade Mar 21, 2016 · I made an app that allows the user to fingerprint on a custom view. Try this: Step #1: Have the LinearLayout watch for touch events, and consume them. First it will check for the child click listener based on the area you have clicked if it there then child click will happen(in this case it will not search for parent click). ACTION_OUTSIDE to MotionEvent. For example if your dialog has any Image then your code should be like this. getWindowToken(), 0); Explanation: Bind OnClick Listener to Feb 22, 2024 · In order to make your OpenGL ES application respond to touch events, you must implement the onTouchEvent () method in your GLSurfaceView class. Wherever you get a touch, it may fire off an event, then you can react accordingly. * * @param view The view that has not been touched. I need to perform some functionality in that event. Setting the dialog cancelable to be false is enough, and either you touch outside of the alert dialog or click the back button will make the alert dialog disappear. Mar 13, 2013 · In order to do that, a flag of the Window that allows the outside touch should be turned on and for the good appearance the background dim flag should be cleared. ACTION_OUTSIDE, which is 4, but somehow I don't receive it even if I drag touch outside the button - I still receive 2 from both methods. getX(); float y = event. You can subclass RecyclerView and override the dispatchTouchEvent () method to accomplish this. myView. If you have a listener on your image it will respond that there was a touch within that bounding box, basically. 10. @Override. // That saves us the trouble of interpreting the raw touch I have a view (let's say an imagebutton) centered inside a RelativeLayout. Sep 29, 2018 · I am working with TabBar and have search view box on each Tab screens. localFocusManager. If onInterceptTouchEvent () returns true, the MotionEvent is intercepted, meaning it isn't passed onto the child but rather to the onTouchEvent () method Nov 12, 2010 · Ok everyone knows that to hide a keyboard you need to implement: InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm. when using TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY its works very fine on Android 2. Is this possible and if so how would it be implemented? Mar 22, 2023 · The problem is that when I touch or pinch on the child, only the Touch event of the child is fired. FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH, LayoutParams. InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context. behavior. GeometryReader { geometry in. Sep 2, 2012 · So in this case, (if mpopwindow. Detecting touch that originated outside a view? I'm having an issue and I think it's solution should be fairly simply. Or if you inflate the View then to . If we set Click or Touch listener to Button which is 50dp width at center, then the listener will get callback only if the user click/touch initiating from button. Edit: If you want to detect outside, you can detect touch event in the containing view, and then, given you have your EditText view: Rect editTextRect = new Rect(); myEditText. May 23, 2017 · Some UX expert at my job noted that the Android onscreen keyboard should disappear once the user taps any UI component but the focused EditText (or the keyboard itself of course). When you touch the device and hold the touch and move your finder, the Touch Move action performed. Here is an example that illustrates the purpose of the methods in the VelocityTracker API: Kotlin Java. Just thought I'd let you know. Activity. boolean android. Jan 11, 2022 · I currently display a Bottom Sheet through a BottomSheetScaffold and want to collapse it when the user clicks outside the Bottom Sheet. setOnTouchListener(new View. getPressure (i) should return a value between 0 and 1 based on the "pressure" placed on the screen. Step #2: Have the thing under the LinearLayout watch for touch events -- if it gets one, you know it wasn't from the LinearLayout, so you dismiss the LinearLayout and consume that event, then perhaps unregister for touch events (or just only pay Jun 3, 2013 · 3 Answers. if** (mpopwindwo. Please check the attached Mar 13, 2024 · VelocityTracker helps you track the velocity of touch events. I think better way is removing fragment in order to release memory resources. Also declare the "tap" outside the function. Most listeners I found only invalidate the view once when the user touches the screen for the first time, or when the user removes his hand from the screen. The problem is using. Nov 12, 2012 · Find if a touch is inside a view in Android. Using the pointToPosition () method, we can determine if a touch event occurs Jun 6, 2014 · public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {. My problem is that is there any way to detect touch events outside this small view. Jan 28, 2011 · 2. ACTION_OUTSIDE which does exactly the same thing. getY(); What exactly is being returned by the getX () and getY () functions? //Step1: Add in the root of the layout, if its a scrollview add to the parent(eg:linearlayout) not the scroll view: android:clickable="true" android:focusableInTouchMode="true" //Step2: Add this method: public void hideKeyboard(View view) {InputMethodManager inputMethodManager =(InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Activity. setCanceledOnTouchOutside (false); If you are creating a temporary dialog and The activity is used as usual but service keep recording taps. So, to get what you want, you could, but, I would never do this, create a box around every pixel, or small group of pixels, and listen for a touch. While a View instance is hidden / invisible, you cannot interact with it. 4- once we have the instance of PopupWindow, we need to get the OnTouchListener, wrap it around one of our own and set it back to the PopupWindow. Edit: I've switched from MotionEvent. layout. However, I found a more simple solution when doing more research on your answer. return false; To show dialog use Activity method showDialog (int). Get started. May 19, 2016 · In an Android fragment, I have a GridLayout with views in it. Add a comment. Following the @Andrew approach, if you want to move the view from its center, you only have to substract the view's half height and half width to the movement. pointerInteropFilter - docs. That should make it work. ACTION_MOVE events and translate them to an angle of rotation for a shape. But you have to click again to make the button works. originX() + myBitmap. getX(); float y_forOnTouch = event. xml file. Quickly bring your app to life with less code, using a modern declarative approach to UI, and the simplicity of Kotlin. dispatchTouchEvent (MotionEvent ev) public boolean dispatchTouchEvent (MotionEvent ev) Since: API Level 1 Called to process touch screen events. Aug 21, 2019 · Dialog Fragment and Detecting Touches to the Outside of Its Window. putString(LOG_KEY, log). We can get the coordinates of the touch position on the screen using the following functions: public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){. switch (event. Jul 27, 2011 · When it is required to disallow intercepting touch event it cheats: pass the disallow to the parent view, like it's supposed to, but keeps intercepting them. Share. INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm. float xEnd = myBitmap. The latter returns the top, or Y, coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. view and inside the action part of the constructor of UITapGestureRecognizer you will input a function in which you will present the logic for checking if your calendar is presented/enabled and can further hide it . commit(); Hi again =) i solve this problem using Sep 8, 2014 · 11. @State private var tappedOutsideView: Bool = false. Try code below to detect touch events. When the user presses outside the visible layout of the DialogFragment I want to: 1. getHitRect(editTextRect); Jan 22, 2014 · prefs. setClickable(true); // otherwise clicks will fall through Problem: Dismiss soft keyboard when clicking away from keyboard or edit text with minimal code. gestureInterfacePar. You need a motion handler on the parent view / visible view to determine whether you need to show the slider (in case the Nov 5, 2018 · However, I find if I set 'setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false)', my activity under the dialog can't respond touch event when I touch outside of the dialog. Jun 27, 2017 · 3- one of these root View s will be a PopupDecorView, which is a private non-static class of PopupWindow. addOnItemTouchListener () part and 2) the gesture detector. drawLine(x, y, end. edit(). Feb 23, 2021 · Step 2: Working with the activity_main. Apr 5, 2018 · 2 Answers. Is there a solution which doesn't involve extending the content view class ? Thanks ! Aug 10, 2011 · I am trying to find a way to detect when a user touches the screen in any way while my services is running in the background. Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context) dialog. If you are returning true from the onTouchEvent of the view A then the event is not propagated. There is actually a MotionEvent. While in your problem case, You are initiating click/touch from outside and coming to button. return false; mDetector = new GestureDetector(this, new MyGestureListener()); // Add a touch listener to the view. Below is the code for the activity_main. public boolean onTouchEvent(View view, MotionEvent event) {. Dec 16, 2021 · I'm make a react native app that require something like this: When i click some input, the border of textInput change to orange color, and when click other textInput or every else the screen, it r Dec 27, 2016 · You can use dialog. 0f) to hide the image and still get events. If it's not focused, it means that movement happened outside the view. You have to use this -. y, paint); to draw a line, we can't detect touch on the line. For your question regarding touch pressure. 13. 1. Keep in mind that for this to work, the first View that will catch the touch should take the full screen height, and that the app content as well as the menu should be inside. The touch event will be detected on the visible View s of your activity. Pass Touch Events to Screen below current view - Android. You can subclass GridView and override the dispatchTouchEvent () method to accomplish this. In the following example, the OnNoChildClickListener interface provides that Mar 10, 2020 · What's I've done is using WindowManager to add a small view and when running the app in the background, this small view can still be on the screen. commit(); return false; }); wm. Jul 2, 2014 · mainScroll. 3. If you want to know, that the user clicked anywhere on the screen then the trick is to override OnUserUnteraction (): "Called whenever a key, touch, or trackball event is dispatched to the activity. Apr 27, 2011 · 5 Answers. So you want to observe if scroll is moving up or down. . Nov 26, 2013 · I have a view in my Android app that should be updated constantly when the screen is being pressed. Fetch WindowManager object from system service. I believe the answer here will work for you: Detect touch outside Button in SwiftUI. onTouchEvent(event); @Override. main = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(R. The child fully consumes the touch. var onConfirmPress: () -> Void. remove(YOUR_FRAGMENT. What I want to do is to show an AlertDialog whenever user clicks outside the window of dialog fragment. isHidden = false view. xml add android:clickable="true" Feb 22, 2012 · 13. The onInterceptTouchEvent () method is called whenever a touch event is detected on the surface of a ViewGroup, including on the surface of its children. canvas. onTouchEvent. I have Dialog in my activity, what I want is suppose the dialog is open, then on Touch of outside dialog I want to dismiss the dialog, and at the same time, I want to call a function which does some update in my activity. public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {. In onCreateView of the dialog fragment, I can detect touch events inside the dialog fragment by calling Nov 12, 2014 · 5. dismissView)) and then put @IBAction func moreButton (_ sender: Any) { self. when I swipe from one tab to another then it doesn't swipe to another tab and comes back to same tab if keyboard is up on the screen or if there is text in TextField of SearchView. OnCancelListener() {. Adopt Compose for teams. Nov 19, 2016 · Another way to do the same thing is by using the GestureDetector class: interface GestureInterface {. I ne Sep 23, 2017 · Detect touch outside of View. Since it must be done after dialog is created, I've implemented it via the Handler. And then set a onTouch listener on that view and if use activity then finish the activity or if used visibility then make it invisible. Solution: External library known as Butterknife. MotionEvent (). And all those features will auto-hide after a few seconds. STATE_COLLAPSED); You can call the following code to close bottom sheet dialog on clicking outside. – Dimitar Genov. when (it. What's the problem? UPD: I' ve found nice solution - just check focused state on view after ACTION_UP. onClick(e) return false. onCreate(savedInstanceState); //set us to non-modal, so that others can receive the outside touch events. As you've already mentioned in the question, onTouchEvent do have ACTION_UP that is meant to handle when touch up. getWindow(). public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {. android:layout_width="match_parent". MotionEvent. I also set the view as an onTouchListener so when user touch inside the view, I can get the touch event. 4. Swift have very powerful concept we call extension. But he is only able to draw straight, wide line. padding(10. Apr 22, 2021 · 1 Answer. INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); May 6, 2015 · When I say "detect in background", I mean the effect of the app will not interfere with what the user is doing on the screen. LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); myView = layoutInflater. Feb 2, 2013 · How to detect touch events in Android. How to detect a fling that starts outside the imagebutton, intercepts it and end also outside? Thanks for help. ACTION_MOVE reacts on any finger movement, even inside of the view – Joe Hackerberg Oct 17, 2014 at 13:44 Dec 30, 2014 · 12. Since the parent LinearLayout can be assigned its own OnClickListener, the issue is only how to detect a click within the GridView that occurs outside of its child Views. app. Hope it helps. Pretend that that is the table view. Explore Modern Android. onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); // This is done in a post() since the dialog must be Jul 4, 2016 · sheetBehavior. Go deeper with our training courses or explore app development on your own. getY(); . In the main Activity, create the touch interceptor in onCreate(): touchInterceptor = new FrameLayout(this); touchInterceptor. addView(view, params); return START_STICKY; Also valid to mention that this method, combined with getting the running tasks with ActivityManager is a very effective way to determine if the user is interacting with the handset. Oct 17, 2016 · I want to call a method if a specific area of screen (my RelativeLayout) has been tapped. Then your imageView onclick listener will be triggered. Nov 21, 2012 · Instead of setting a GestureListener on the top layout, you should create your own class that extends LinearLayout and to override it's onTouchEvent method. The library provides enough functionalities like scroll video, pause, play video etc. float dX, dY; @Override. Jun 29, 2010 · 5 Answers. Aug 24, 2012 · 18. private boolean clickOnBitmap(MyBitmap myBitmap, MotionEvent event) {. So please check the view once you implement this and revert if there are any screen jumps which occur. Detecting a press and then a movement outside of the 1. Aug 1, 2016 · Use below code for swipe detection, may be it is helpful to you, in my project working perfectly, so you can try this. this). setFocusable (false)** single click of button dismiss the popup window as well as trigger the button click. background, null); I want to detect clicks outside of myView, how can I do this? So this background. private const val DEBUG_TAG = "Velocity". I tried to using a Rect as a touch zone, but a Rect is a straight rect, it can't match to the line zone : Apr 5, 2012 · 2. Step 2: Set an onTouchListener for that outside container which will simply act as a click outside event for your inner elements! outsideContainer. n the case of (utilisateurs) it is displaying fine by the way . Sorted by: 0. The former returns the left, or X, coordinate of the rectangle representing the view. place the login layout inside a transparent, full screen layout, and detect touch events on the larger layout. // Do your function here. gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, new CustomGestureListenerClass()); return gestureDetector. fun setOnScroll(e1: MotionEvent, e2: MotionEvent, distanceX: Float, distanceY: Float) fun onClick(e: MotionEvent) override fun onSingleTapUp(e: MotionEvent): Boolean {. helpView. public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {. The example implementation below shows how to listen for MotionEvent. Is there a way to detect the click outside of the Bottom Sheet? This is the screen with my BottomSheetScaffold: Aug 3, 2021 · missing text displaying outside of the textview. Feb 19, 2014 · So to get touch events on fragment I would do this: -in your fragment onCreateView: View view = inflater. Simply define two properties of parent of that EditText as : android:clickable="true". Pass through touch events on window overlay to an Activity behind it. Oct 7, 2013 · LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context. You can use dialog. When I touch the text i want to change the state of the image to selected. If you want to handle and process the event I recommend using pointerInteropFilter which is the analogue of View. I'm devveloping a tic-toc-toe game, I want to make the alpha value of every circle or cross in each tapped square. However, it does not let the listener intercept events anymore, so if the listener return true on intercept touch event that will be ignored (you can choose to throw an 1 Answer. setState(BottomSheetBehavior. Jan 10, 2011 · This way, views outside will not get touch events when the user tries to touch-outside-cancel the dialog. I am able to detect a fling for the imagebutton using GestureDetector only if the touch starts inside the imagebutton. I've included a diagram to illustrate what I mean here : Is there a simple way to do this (without using coordinates to see if the touch point is in the view)? Thanks! Jul 6, 2012 · If you only want to detect if your EditText is touched, add an OnTouchListener to the EditText or even OnClickListener. I have a DialogFragment which contains a ProgressBar. android:focusableInTouchMode="true". Oct 26, 2014 · The solution was to setAlpha (0. For example, when the vertical space on the screen is constrained, the text field Nov 15, 2018 · I would not detect the touch outside with coordinates, put the button inside a container and detect the click on the container to understand when the user clicks in the area that contains the button – Jul 1, 2019 · 10. When you touch outside of the UITextField, the keyboard will hide. inflate(R. public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {. let tap: UITapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer (target: self, action: #selector (UIViewController. 0. beginTransaction(). setOnTouchListener(touchListener); } // This touch listener passes everything on to the gesture detector. id. fragment_test, container, false); view. Jan 18, 2022 · Mastering the Android Touch System talk; Mastering the Android Touch System article; The source code for MotionEvent, View, ViewGroup, ScrollView, and Activity; To see concrete examples of how these functions work, please continue to Part 2: Common Touch Event Scenarios. action) {. If you want to remove focus on tap, you can add pointerInput modifier with detectTapGestures to your Column: modifier = Modifier. Basically I want a series of views and I want each view to be able to react when a touch event goes over it, no matter where the event originated. Essentially, a user touches down on View A then moves their finger to View B. setCanceledOnTouchOutside (true); which will close the dialog if you touch outside of the dialog. I am able to open/close the drawer when user touches the out side of navigation drawer. You have to implement onCreateDialog (). Jun 16, 2016 · if you have onclick listener on both parent and child views then OS will take care of click event. Add a UITapGestureRecognizer to your self. x, end. take look this API description first. Initially I used MyDialog. xml is a small relativelayout that pops up when the user clicks on a button. hideSoftInputFromWindow(getCurrentFocus(). //show dialog here. dismiss the dialog fragment 2. android ontouchlistener Mar 15, 2010 · This will detect a touch and check if it is not transparent. When input focus moves in or out of an editable text field, Android shows or hides the input —such as the on-screen keyboard—as appropriate. ACTION_CANCEL so that I can properly take care of resetting my views color properties. I do have another way to do it, but you really don't want to use it (it involves the ugly hack of making a partially transparent full screen keyboard) so lets try this first. clearFocus() <View android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="My button" android:focusable="true" android:clickable="true"/> This will prevent touch and click events from being propagated to views that stay below your view. we need to get the instance of PopupWindow via reflection. So when user will touch outside of EditText area, focus will be removed because focus will be transferred to parent view. setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true); 1 - Set the flag- FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL for your dialog's window attribute. For example, I want to be able to detect when a user presses on an app icon on the home screen. // The touch listener passes all its events on to the gesture detector. In this particular case when A is below B return false from onTouch of view A. Aug 31, 2014 · See {@link #setOnTouchOutsideViewListener(View, OnTouchOutsideViewListener). getWindowToken(), 0); But the big deal here is how to hide the keyboard when the user touches or selects any other place that is not an EditText or Oct 16, 2014 · That runs good but what I want is to detect the movement out of the view and MotionEvent. Oct 27, 2013 · It is possible to retrieve the location of a view by invoking the methods getLeft() and getTop(). Go to the activity_main. main); main. Kotlin Java. 2 - Add another flag to windows properties,, FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH - this So what you do is you calculate those positions. My progress below should explain what i mean here: I made an app that will detect whether the user touch the screen in background by implementing onTouchListener in android and use a layout for that onTouchListener. here is my xml file, every ImageView will become a circle or cross if became tapped: <RelativeLayout. am having tab swiping issue mainly when keyboard is up otherwise tab swiping working fine. getAction()) {. Here's the horrible hack you don't want to use this method: Jul 28, 2015 · However, the problem emerge when I first press down on the button, move my finger outside the button and then release the screen. For example, if the image is at the center of the screen: leftx = (ScreenWidth - ImageWidth) / 2. These methods both return the location of the view relative to its parent. It would also help if you can post some code. Her is the simple code snippet which shows that how you can handle the continues touch event. float x = event. fillMaxWidth() . width(); Oct 17, 2016 · An easier solution, as stated here, is to detect the start of a touch action outside of the menu and close the menu in this case. FLAG_WATCH Sep 11, 2021 · 1 Answer. You can override this to intercept all touch screen events before they are dispatched to the window. Android Touch event on screen. Modern Android. 3 but on 4. Give an id to that view which displays your info. May 4, 2017 · The thing is that when I do getContentView(). myBitmap is just a simple container class I use. setFocusableInTouchMode(true); //If you need this. Jul 27, 2014 · Set the FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH on the window associated with your view. STATE_HIDDEN)); This works too! 7. pass the onTouch to the parent activity and allow the user to interact with the views. * @param event The MotionEvent object containing full information about the event. // dialog dismisses. dp) . Oct 14, 2018 · I'm using a third party video player in my app. You are using a gesture detector which steals the touch event and it won't be propagated for anything else. FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL, LayoutParams. So, button listener will not get callback from Android Framework. Oct 28, 2020 · pointerInput - docs. If your dialog contains any view try to get the touch events in that view and dismiss your dialog when user touch on that view. } */ public interface OnTouchOutsideViewListener { /** * Called when a touch event has occurred outside a given view. setOnTouchListener();, the touch event gets consumed by the child views, and it will only be fired if I touch outside of any view in my activity. dialog. setFocusable (true)) on the first click of a button popupwindow will dismiss. Can any one of you help me in detect the touch/click event when user touch/click out side the navigation drawer. float x_forOnTouch = event. addGestureRecognizer (tap) } – Clinton D'Souza. fillMaxHeight() . This is useful for gestures in which velocity is part of the criteria for the gesture, such as a fling. Because of this, the parent’s Touch event is never fired, and it is impossible to detect any gestures on the parent. Please note that the child is of the same size as the parent, so it entirely covers the parent. This code could also substantially affect other parts of your functionality. Implement this method if you wish to know that the user has interacted with the device in some way while your activity is running. ks zh oj yd ic wi vt yv hl ij