Unity multiple render targets

Unity multiple render targets. This saves a lot of computation time for the GPU. So: give each "scene" you want to render its own camera, with different viewport rectangles each. The effect should be applied only to particular objects on the screen. For the second texture return the alpha as normal, but make sure to pre-multiply the color with the alpha, resulting in a SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha blend. 7). Unity allocates the render targets at their full resolution, and then the dynamic resolution system scales them down and back up again, using a portion of the original In the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), multiple Base Cameras or Camera Stacks can render to the same render target. Unity supports only one blend mode per shader Jan 27, 2013 · Target 1: One One. Posts: 2. Log in Create a Unity ID Home I tried to get a general render image, depth image and Id (pre-assigned for each material) image using multiple render target in Unity. This function sets which RenderTexture or a RenderBuffer combination will be rendered into next. Typically, each Target you select generates a valid subshader from the graph. Since I haven’t done that before I created a small project to try it. The shader can output multiple color values that will be written to those render buffers. RenderWithShader which writes to a Glow Buffer. Unity has built two Scriptable Render Pipelines that use the SRP framework: the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) and the Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP). This is used when rendering The process of drawing graphics to the screen (or to a render texture). /// A helper class for render textures related functions. And then combine then onto 1 texture 2D which I could then either overlay the screen with or attach to an object in the scene. 25 would make the camera render to just one quarter of the screen, and changing the 0s would move where that quarter-screen pane sits within the wider screen (or window). I'm a bit apprehensive about using a render feature because then I would be rendering my opaque objects twice. I've tried setting the render target with null or the original rendertarget. Color = //Set first output. I have several questions : what are the differences between : void Camera. SetRenderTarget ( RenderBuffer [] colorBuffers, RenderBuffer depthBuffer ), however I don't know how to Nov 16, 2023 · Sep 11, 2019. using UnityEngine. Works pretty seamlessly, except that it hits performance quite hard. Oct 1, 2018 · RenderTexture tmpTex = new RenderTexture (512, 512, 16, RenderTextureFormat. The following Blueprint and Render Targets - How To pages provide step-by-step examples on how to use Blueprints and render targets together in your Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) projects. Deferred Shading. SetRenderTarget(RenderBuffer[] colorBuffers, RenderBuffer depthBuffer); Camera Using Unity 2022. Unity I have some opaque objects to render, but I also want them to output some info that I can use for post processing later in the pipeline. samplelod Jul 25, 2023 · I also tried to use RTHandle. Feb 11, 2014 · 42. You use the Base Nov 16, 2014 · After setting destination buffers and doing a blit inside OnRenderImage seems to affect camera matrices somehow (or maybe it's something else?) Code (CSharp): Graphics. Render multiple Base Cameras or Camera Stacks to the same render target. ). Jan 10, 2012 · If you're not outputting to multiple render targets at the same time, it's not MRT. supportedRenderTargetCount in order Nov 22, 2014 · Yes you can render into multiple targets, up to 4 in Unity. | Am trying to get two videos to play in the same scene. I am trying to draw something onto multi Render Textures. For rendering to multiple render targets, you need to assign multiple targets to your camera. 1 and URP 13. More info See in Glossary shader derivative instructions (ddx/ddy) are supported. This output is then written to the render target. 手順は. This is a standard deferred shading path, that renders Scene information into G-Buffers using multiple render targets, and computes lighting afterwards. I Area Targets in Unity. Sep 5, 2019 · I'm rendering a preview of a character with a dedicated 3d camera to a render target and present it in the UI with a RawImage component. Multiple Render Targets (MRT) approach requires specialized shaders that output a struct of COLOR semantic values, instead of standard float4 or fixed4 color per fragment. Please help! using UnityEngine; using Vuforia; // need to import video functionality. I tested my script with a game that is making use of multiple camera (each with different layers mask). Collections; /// <summary>. Oct 26, 2020 · Multiple cameras can render to the same render texture, with any viewport, as normal. This simplifies the development of render features in our render pipelines while improving performance over a wide range of potential pipeline configurations. 0f4、DX11で行っています。. Seems ok to me but maybe I am wrong. The pre-built render pipelines are available as templates for new Projects. edit: to be a bit more precise in 1. Render pipelines. derivatives: Pixel The smallest unit in a computer image. If I use. The use of MRT comes from the need to save bandwidth between multiple draw calls. Aug 24, 2015 · Modified 8 years, 6 months ago. First cameras with target textures are rendered in order of increasing depth, then those without. HLSL Unity5> Multiple render targets. PS_OUTPUT output; output. Note that, as recommended by my research to get STB to work, I use the forward rendering path: Conceptually, Unity scales the render target; however, in reality, Unity uses aliasing, and the scaled-down render target only uses a small portion of the original render target. Note: Deferred rendering is not compatible with orthographic camera projection. Some paths are more suited to different platforms and hardware than others. More info. At least 4 render targets are supported. Description. I guess when you select the deferred path, unity does some more magic, like lighting with many light sources and such. Alloc in the ScriptableRenderFeature. Target 2: SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha. In the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), multiple Base Cameras or Camera Stacks can render to the same render target. However, I cant seem to get MRT to work at all on 5. For example, ColorMask RGB 3 would make render target #3 write only to RGB channels. SetRenderTarget. Unity How to guides for using Blueprints to manipulate render targets. Sep 14, 2022 · Here's what I'm doing here. Hope this helps. In order to fix that problem, I would need to make unity write data explicitly into additional render targets in standard shaders. Unity example of multiple render targets. 1f1. The effect I want happens in the scene view. 8, we see the following issue: We are writing a custom pass that draws renderers to a temporary RT, before blitting the results to the color target. SetTargetBuffers(). One way to do this would be to have the regular camera render a pass with a special shader which simply outputs the mask. My goal with this effect was to use 1 buffer as the backbuffer and another as a write buffer for the effect that needs the depth buffer then write the screen as a fullscreen effect after all other rendering was finished. return output; } Also in DirectX11 you shouldn't need to write depth to your normal buffer, you can just use the depth buffer. By default, the main camera in Unity renders its view to the screen. In URP 13, they contain format, resolution and other variables for some strange reason. When I try ConfigureTarget (RTHandle []) to draw onto two Render Textures, it failed. The added benefit to using multiple render targets, as in deferred rendering like Josh mentioned, is that you send the scene's geometry to the vertex shader only once and apply it to different pixel shader outputs, instead of re-sending the geometry for every output you need. Apr 22, 2023 · The first param of ConfigureTarget can also be an array of colour targets, which sets up what is known as Multi-Target Rendering (MRT) assuming the target platform supports it. I'm not sure why but I haven't looked yet. When you use a graph that targets multiple render pipelines, you must reimport the Shader Graph asset if you change the active render pipeline. output. It reduces the framerate by about 40-60FPS for UpdateBuffer (). That allows you to render objects into multiple buffers at the same time by having the fragment shader use SV_Target0 , SV_Target1 , SV_Target2 , etc in the fragment Jun 1, 2015 · Hello Unity Community! I’m running into an issue building off of the Unity 5 deferred decals example (Extending Unity 5 rendering pipeline: Command Buffers | Unity Blog). #8. From creating fluid like surfaces, to creating Textures that can be used with visual effects and Materials there are many different ways Blueprints and render targets can be used. The most common causes of overdraw are: Overlapping opaque or transparent geometry; Complex shaders, often with multiple render passes; Unoptimized particles; Overlapping UI elements Overloads setting multiple render targets will set mipLevel, cubemapFace, and depthSlice to 0, Unknown, and 0 unless otherwise specified. . Knowing that I was wondering why we cannot access directly _CameraDepthAttachment and why CopyDepth needs to copy it to _CameraDepthTexture. That camera output becomes a render texture and that render texture is on the object as a material. A quick example of a good MRT usage is G-Buffer acquirement for deferred rendering. Shader Model 4. I tested my script with Unity's Angrybots sample game, but that only used one camera. Nov 20, 2018 · I just implemented this with Multiple Render Targets, using camera. In a future version of Unity, maybe as part of 5. SV_TargetN: Multiple render targets. I've copy pasted my test code. First, a note: I'm using a beta version of Unity to have access to DrawingSettings. I've already found a solution to this 'bug' (I understand it's a bug right?) and have it working in a local version of PostProcessing I've created for this purpose. When I set multiple rendertarges with Graphics. Apr 29, 2019 · Below is the code from my project I TrackableEventHandler interface. Posts: 85. ConfigureTarget () to prepare/assign multiple at once, though that would also potentially need to be updated/adapted to use an RTHandle Jun 23, 2019 · 0. //i've tried using both i or z in the QUADS below. This is a script I use for multitarget blitting in Unity. That article isn't even talking about instancing at all, because it predates Unity adding instancing support by a year! There used to be a few unfortunate misunderstandings in the article that caused additional confusion, but which appear to have Typically, each Target you select generates a valid subshader from the graph. Set the Camera’s Output Target to Texture, and drag the Render Texture on to the Texture field. These "random write" targets are set similarly to how multiple render targets are set. Yes, it will be somewhat faster, but the difference depends on various factors such as how good your hardware is and how complex your rendering pipeline is. If i Have a menu f. /// A custom handler that implements the These are additional colors written by the shader. Pixel size depends on your screen resolution. Test Code. Sep 29, 2023 · 1 Answer. For Multiple Render Targets, there's a specific example provided here that demonstrates using ScriptableRenderPass. Apr 23, 2012 · Apr 23, 2012. Unity Sets current render target. This was a breaking change in URP 13. 3d. More info See in Glossary, the regular syntax above sets up the same blending modes for all render targets. e. Choosing a different path affects the performance of your game, and how lighting and shading are calculated. I understand it somehow cause the Data has to go from GPU to CPU. The camera has a color background with alpha 0 so it doesn't appear in the UI. In this simplified version it must return only a color and the inverse of itself. When activating MRT on a camera Post Processing stops working. 2. With multiple RTs, the pixel shader is called once per pixel and produces values for all render targets. Describes a render target with one or more color buffers, a depth/stencil buffer and the associated load/store-actions that are applied when the render target is active. Variants with mipLevel and face arguments enable rendering into a specific mipmap level of a render . We don't have any way of setting up multiple viewports in Unity right now however. Camera Stacking allows you to create effects such as 3D models in a 2D UI, or the cockpit of a vehicle. When I apply my RenderTexture then it only Oct 19, 2010 · It's possible _CameraDepthTexture has a long suffix, similar to the camera color texture and screen space shadow texture. Apr 23, 2012 · Joined: Apr 23, 2012. This is used when rendering into more than one render target at once (known as the Multiple Render Targets rendering technique, or MRT). See in Glossary in Unity’s Built-in Render Pipeline. 5 and above level pixel shaders can write into arbitrary locations of some textures and buffers, called "unordered access views" (UAV) in UsingDX11GL3Features. Note that in Linear color space, it is important to have the correct sRGB<->Linear color conversion state set. It works fine in the editor but doesn't on a build (neither in windows or android). Oct 26, 2020 · Quick question. This guide will take you through the process of importing and working with Area Targets in Unity. Each render pipeline targets a specific set of use-case scenarios and hardware needs. Then that buffer has Post effects applied, Then that is drawn later. Nov 18, 2015 · We use the standard forward rendering path in unity. SV_Target0 is the same as SV_Target. Jan 14, 2012 · Hi, the release notes for Unity 3. The only thing that attracted my attention was the method Graphics. Place the Quad within the view of the new Base Camera. Blit(null, material, pass); Works fine in non VR setting. Overloads setting multiple render targets will set mipLevel, cubemapFace, and depthSlice to 0, Unknown, and 0 unless otherwise specified. Aug 18, 2014 · I think the problem might be is that it doesn't seem to work with deferred rendering. When a 3D scene is rendered, the graphics pipeline processes the vertices, applies textures and materials, and produces an image as output. 複数の値を出力するシェーダを作成する (SurfaceShaderではなく、展開されたシェーダじゃ In the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), you can work with multiple Cameras to: Stack Cameras to layer the outputs of multiple Cameras into a single combined output. active value after I do my effect but it never reappears. But because we are trying to get into VR, the double render is really starting to become a problem especially on open scenes where culling cant really help. But if the UI is in camera space, another camera will not render it even it's in the corresponding layer. theANMATOR2b said: ↑. - mattatz/unity-mrt-example. I've got a simple example project (no purpose other than understanding how MRT Nov 27, 2022 · 10. To summarise my shader: I am preforming a Texture3D raycasting method that allows for the user to 'see' inside the texture 3D data. Code (CSharp): Blend One OneMinusSrcAlpha. Mar 19, 2012 · I think if you setup multiple render targets (possible since Unity 3. My issue arises when wanting to sample an area of this main texture and Jul 23, 2016 · Adding the multiple render targets makes things a little more difficult. ReadPixels (new Rect (0, 0, mapSize, mapSize), 0, 0); //Reading out current RT (GPU --> CPU!) It works but the Problem is: ReadPixels () slow THE HELL down. Normal= //Set second output. Use it when implementing custom rendering algorithms, where you need to render something into a render texture manually. SV_Target1, SV_Target2, etc. I print the number as text on canvas and put it in front of a separate camera. Unfortunately the stats window no longer lists drawcalls, but Batches instead. ARGB32); // TO DO: set texture size based on map size. Code (CSharp): using UnityEngine; using System. Set random write target for Shader Model 4. 5 level pixel shaders. A render pipeline performs a series of operations that take the contents of a scene A Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. So I'm successfully rendering to two render targets but I'm not rendering to the game view. 1回の レンダリング で複数の値を出力するMRT (MultipleRenderTarget)をやってみます。. Posts: 15. SetRenderTarget( mrt, reducedDestination. SetTargetBuffers(RenderBuffer colorBuffer, RenderBuffer depthBuffer); and static void Graphics. Afaik different blend modes for different render targets are a thing of the recent past. This is the fragment shader. For example, a Shader Graph asset with both URP and HDRP Targets will generate two subshaders. We need the depth texture (Depth + Stencil) during the blit for optimization using stencil culling, and occlusion using per-pixel depth testing. Multiple render targets without camera object for Unity. Jul 12, 2014 · Dec 10, 2017. Use. From below, the rendered image, depth image, and Id image are assigned. 5) and just have a geometry shader that outputs to one of them, then all should just work (tm). We need to set custom render targets before the opaque pass happens. SetRenderTarget is call with multiple render-targets it doesn't do anything In the line below, it will not enable both render targets & the last call to SetRenderTarget is actually the target still in use. Apr 19, 2022 · The trick is this: you have to set your camera to use multiple render targets, and use fully custom shaders on everything. Oct 7, 2022 · Hi, color and depth render texture cannot be combined together in a RTHandle. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. Oct 31, 2013 · Making it available in the Scene View really is as simple as removing those CameraType checks. You should create a color RTHandle and a depth RTHandle and use. 1 day ago · Description. SetRenderTarget in the docs, and I’m having a hard time figuring out how to actually use this feature Aug 13, 2014 · Hi, I’m trying to use multiple render targets for a game I’m working on. I've got some questions and I think that they could only be answered by someone from Unity Technologies (but maybe someone else might have answers). SV_Depth: Pixel shader depth output Using Render Targets in Unreal Engine 4. Pixel lighting is calculated at every screen pixel. 28 Jun 9, 2014 · I noticed tonight that in Unity 4. Variants with mipLevel and face arguments enable rendering into a specific mipmap level of a render Oct 2, 2023 · Render Graph is a foundational system that automatically optimizes runtime resources for rendering. You use the Base This page details the Deferred Shading rendering path The technique Unity uses to render graphics. Oct 13, 2011 · 2. You use the Base Jun 4, 2016 · Eudaimonium June 4, 2016, 9:00pm 2. I would like to render the results of an invocation of RenderMeshIndirect, into two RenderTextures. I've been looking into using MRT (Multiple Render Targets) to create a mask which will later be used to by some image effects. By importing the Unity package that is created from the Area Target Generator (ATG) or using the Vuforia Creator app (VCA) you will be able to design and develop environment-based AR experiences for Unity’s supported platforms. For the first textures alpha, return 0, and it will give you One One. Mar 6, 2015 · I'm trying to use Camera. This makes sense, mostly. Note the D3D11_BLEND_DESC structure has independent D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC for each RT. depthBuffer); Graphics. The idea is to use multiple unity cameras scattered throughout a scene and have them all render to a RenderTexture. However, now that we're in the future, I tested the same thing in Unity 5. #1. I lose about 4ms of render time per camera, and I need to render up to six cameras. Everything works as expected, except for UI elements, which are now rendering to my sceneColor texture in the middle of my render pipeline versus on top of the final rendered image after all post processing effects. I'm using Unity version 2021. supguys and tektonspace like this. Its Render Mode defaults to Base, making it a Base Camera. Jul 3, 2014 · It doesn't render to two separate textures in one pass, but it does do a pre-pass using Camera. I'm writing the Unity Script that can enable a game to render the current scene to a RenderTexture. Collections; Jun 17, 2014 · 9. If you have two cameras in the same spot - one render texture and the main - you can accomplish this. This feature works on most modern APIs Drawing on top of the same pixel multiple times is called overdraw. I'm using the lightweight rendering pipeline. Strictly speaking, that’s impossible. If you don't need to write depth, you should set the target with. This example MRT script doesn't use camera object. Due to use of multiple render targets, it requires GPU with MRT support. Dec 1, 2012 · We're trying to use Multiple Render Target to generate extra info in Forward rendering for some post-processing. 3. You have to switch it to forward rendering. 6, setting a camera's depthTextureMode to anything other than None doubles the # of drawcalls. 5 or 5. This is hard blocking me from writing a Terrain Utility. SetRenderTarget overload that takes an array of RenderBuffers can be used to specify multiple render buffers. Kronnect, Jan 2, 2017. Is it possible to render a shader pass in multiple render targets ? Sep 27, 2022 · Unity 2022. This allows you to create effects such as split screen rendering. If more than one Base Camera or Camera Stack renders to the same area of a render target, Unity draws each pixel in the overlapping area multiple times. If I output multiple colours using: struct f2a { float4 col0 : COLOR0; float4 col1 : COLOR1; }; Sets current render target. For Pixel/Compute shader sync, you can't run a pixel shader and a compute shader at the same time on the same device, so when your Apr 22, 2013 · usman. Jan 21, 2013 · Hi, I am trying to render different properties of my scene geometry into different buffers (world positions/normals/ambient colors, etc. Viewed 235 times. Oct 11, 2013 · albedo2D. May 8, 2021 · So my idea is to create a real time security camera system on a texture in unity. However, depending on your use case you might be able to workaround with blend states. Win11 Unity 2021. I am using Unity and I have some difficulties about understanding the way Set Render Target works and how it can behave with the shaders. In the following document, we will go Aug 24, 2015 · The Graphics. Jul 18, 2012 · When using multiple render target (MRT) rendering, it is possible to set up different color masks for each render target, by adding index (0–7) at the end. My current simplified approach looks something like this: Code (CSharp): RenderTexture colorTexture = new RenderTexture ( w,h, 24, ); RenderTexture normalTexture = new RenderTexture ( w,h, 24, ); RenderBuffer [] renderBuffer = new In the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), multiple Base Cameras or Camera Stacks can render to the same render target. SetRenderTarget can take multiple RenderBuffer’s - however I can’t find Graphics. I'm facing a roadblock, however, in attempting to get multiple render target (MRT) output for a blur step, consisting of multiple passes If more than one Base Camera or Camera Stack renders to the same area of a render target, Unity draws each pixel in the overlapping area multiple times. More info See in Glossary into more than one render target at once (known as the Multiple Render Targets rendering technique Oct 28, 2022 · Changing those 1s to 0. Unfortunately I need to render the Buffer every May 9, 2015 · Standard unity shader when compiled for forward rendering path produces gl_FragData[0] = ; assignment and writes into only one buffer, which triggers undocumented behavior and causes the mess. Overdraw decreases fill rate and costs extra memory bandwidth. Yes: Used Buffers Count Used Nov 22, 2014 · Instancing being the ability for a GPU to render multiples of the same mesh & material as one draw. That will get your split screen rendering taken care of. Mario8664, Apr 18, 2019. overrideShader since my plan includes a variety of independently-textured objects processed in a "single" additional step. Create another Camera in your Scene. Currently my feature use one pass to draw the the effect on a buffer and use a second pass to Blit this texture to the cameraColorTarget. The following syntax can set up different blending modes for individual render targets, where N is the render target index (0. In URP 12, the texture names were constant without random suffixes. ConfigureTarget(rthandles[0]) , it does render as expected with only one Render Texture getting painted. Using Blueprints and render targets together opens up a whole new way to create and use assets inside of Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). I am attempting to specify a frag output into a set texture (render target) depending on some logic. If specified, it will use the specified mipLevel, cubemapFace, and depthSlice for all targets. RenderTexture output by multiple rendering targets is assigned in the three vertically stacked boxes. Unity Jun 14, 2011 · A Unity ID allows you to buy and/or subscribe to Unity products and services, shop in the Asset Store and participate in the Unity community. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. Just render the object with shader1 to target1 and then with shader2 to target2. First, the camera setup. : These are additional colors written by the shader. Video; [RequireComponent (typeof (VideoPlayer))] /// <summary>. 以下はUnity4. You can also query the maximum number of simultaneous supported render targets using SystemInfo. ConfigureTarget(colorHandle, depthHandle); to set the render target. 1. The only difference is that Unity automatically renders cameras with render texture targets before those that render to a display. But not directly using the passes. mrt8: At least 8 render targets are supported. SetRenderTargets the game stops rendering into the game view. But besides that, yes, you can of course render one pass to one target and another to another target. The render textures are ridiculously small already, only In the Inspector, scroll to the Output section. From storing the various buffers that are needed for a deferred renderer to helping display various complex effects like the ripples that happen when you throw an object into a pool of water Feb 8, 2021 · If CommandBuffer. ConfigureTarget(colorHandle, colorHandle); If more than one Base Camera or Camera Stack renders to the same area of a render target, Unity draws each pixel in the overlapping area multiple times. The first Camera renders its view to the Render In the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), multiple Base Cameras or Camera Stacks can render to the same render target. And how many objects will be and which numbers and letters will be written on it depends on the user, so I need to create a general structure. 8 In my experiments and testing to try and introduce myself to ScriptableRendererFeatures (and, by extension, ScriptableRenderPasses), I've failed to find a single, up-to-date example online to use as a starting point and am clearly on the wrong track to some extent, since the first successful modification to my current render consumed more My simplest implementation is rendering all camera perspectives to a render texture and assigning that render texture to a UI element. Dec 15, 2013 · Unityシェーダ入門 #005 Multiple Render Target. unity-mrt-example. 14f1 Universal Rendering Pipeline 13. Then you can use the Render Texture in a Material just like a regular Texture. Apr 28, 2014 · Hi, originally my project used 2 cameras, one main camera to render the scene and a sub camera to render separate object information. Its the Middle function that you will most likely will need to use. I have heard now of two possible solutions: Create a screenshot of each individual building and use it as texture Use Render Textures by assigning a camera to look at an instantiated building and render this onto a texture. Unity draws the Base Camera or Camera Stack with the highest priority last, on top of the previously drawn pixels. Hi, I'm trying to use multiple render target in Unity and I managed to do so but feel like it's not the proper way. Render targets are used quite extensively throughout Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) for a wide variety of different tasks. Create method and the Texture seems to be the same among all frame renderings. 7f1 comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment A render target, also known as a render buffer or a color buffer, is a memory location in computer graphics that holds the output of the rendering process. I created a very basic setup to test it in a minimal case, but nothing renders to the target buffers according to the frame debugger. What I’m looking to do, is to add specularity modulation to our decals by writing out to the spec/roughness render target as well as the albedo channel. a build menu and i would like to show all 3D buildings in that menu without the need to create images for each individual building. 5, they have talked about adding a feature that lets you control the rendering pipeline much more which would make this easier. For more information on overdraw, see Advanced information. 5 say that you can have multiple render targets now that Graphics. More info See in Glossary Changes Count: The number of times Unity set one or multiple RenderTextures as render targets during the frame. To use them, first create a new Render Texture and designate one of your Cameras to render into it. 1. ) and I cannot find a way to do that. This data structure is similiar to RenderTargetSetup, but relies on a RenderTargetIdentifier to ensure compatability with CommandBuffer. Nov 4, 2011 · Hi, it's my current understanding that in modern GPU api, render targets must be always set, so I guess URP does that by default too. Unity does not come with such shaders by default and you have to write them on your own, because they’re very application specific. First, look at this image. SetTargetBuffers to render to multiple render targets at once (MRT). yg qw mb jl to kp yq wp bu te